All Classes and Interfaces

A list of row values.
Do not use this class.
Information about applications.
Ascending order by hits.
Descending order by hits.
Ascending order by page name.
Descending order by page name.
Stores the visits of a application for a certain user and session.
Context wrapper to merge in constant values.
Code stolen from Velocity-Tools 2,
This class is instantiated by the composer for a single incoming request.
This class implements a java.sql.Timestamp and a de.uplanet.lucy.server.dataobjects.IDateTimeValueHolder for Velocity scripting.
Use the new API instead, e.g.
Since 2015-09-17.
This class represents a data/time value as both a java.sql.Timestamp and as a IDateTimeValueHolder.
Encoder/decoder utility class for use in the Velocity context.
Used to create collections.
Utility class to get arbitrary class constants.
Methods with a create prefix will always create a new object. Methods with a get prefix will create a new object, or might return a previously created object if this is appropriate.
Removed Methods on major Release 9 DEFAULT_TYPE getDefaultType() String getDefault() CONTROL_TYPE getReferredControlType()
Information about data groups.
This class is an extension of an ArrayList especially designed for for storing and retrieving child control infos.
Only used for old Datatransfer application.
This class provides a database API that is intended to be used in scripting environments.
Do not use this class.
Permission to controll access to or to control instantiation of DS class objects.
Iterate over the given node and all it's ancestor nodes.
Compare DsObject-objects by their display name.
Compare DsUserItem objects by their display name.
Compare DsUserItem - objects by surname and then by last name.
Compare DsUserItem objects by their display name.
Compare DsUserItem - objects by last name and then by surname.
Compare DsUserItem- objects by login name.
An error object for the Velocity context.
Callable for working with MS Exchange appointments.
Callable for MS Exchange attachments.
Callable for Exchange authentication.
Utility class for getting MS Exchange connections in Velocity templates.
Callable for working with MS Exchange contacts.
Callable for working with MS Exchange items.
Callable for accessing an user's MS Exchange mailbox.
Callable for working with MS Exchange messages.
Callable for working with MS Exchange tasks.
Provides information about an user's Exchange mailbox account.
Provides information about an user's Exchange mailbox account.
Information about data fields.
Used to locate files in a hierarchy.
This class provides a collection of various filters for collections that are used in the Velocity context.
This class implements an helper for the composer that creates a new URL based on the given IServerBridgeRequest and additional parameters. Load an image, scale it down and save it as a JPEG file.
Ascending order by hits.
Descending order by hits.
This is a helper factory for the composer, especially the velocity context.
Provides information about an attachment.
Provides information about a MS Exchange folder.
This interface signs a as an Intrexx permission.
The common interface of all renderers.
This class can be used to check arbitrary permissions.
A builder to create JSON output.
Creates links.
Provides list-formatting functionality for generating client output.
The MailBuilder class creates MIME messages with different content-types, manages attachments, and inline pictures using HTML mail.
For internal use only.
Enables the MultiSource module to be invoked via Velocity in the UI.
This class can be used to aggregate numbers while grouping them by date intervals.
This class can be used to aggregate numbers while grouping them by numerical values.
This class can be used to aggregate numbers while grouping them by numerical values.
This class can be used to aggregate numbers while grouping them by strings.
Provides methods to support OAuth2 authorization in Connector API apps.
This class is solely intended to create or access objects without having them preallocated in the Velocity context.
Used to inspect an object.
Velocity callable for authentication with an OData service.
Callable for accessing OData service configuration.
A callable for executing OData functions within Velocity templates.
Callable for managing links (especially for m:n relationships) between OData entities.
Velocity callable for creating URIs to OData media resources.
A wrapper for methods from the OWASP Encoder
Do not use this class.
Information about pages.
Stores the visits of a page for a certain user, session and application.
Velocity interface of the RT plugin cache.
Note: this class is not thread-safe.
Information about data field references.
Helper class for request routing.
Auxiliary to set menu-permissions Used by the Web-CMS
Comparators for java.lang.Strings.
Stopwatch with millisecond time resolution.
Text utilities for the velocity context.
Velocity context class to access an RssProvider.
Utility class to create unique identifiers and names.
Represents a (server side) user.
Compare IUser objects by their display name.
Compare IUser objects by surname and then by last name.
Compare IUser objects by their display name.
Compare IUser objects by last name and then by surname.
Compare IUser objects by login name.
User profile class.
This class scans the logfiles for user specific statistics.
Velocity calendar control.
Callable to use to interact with and get calendar plugin information instances whereas the calendar control might not be available.
This class provides access to distribution controls.
This class provides access to list box controls.
This class provides access to multi select controls.
Semantic version information.
Semantic version item.
Wrapper um ein Diff der Diff-API aus JRCS zur Nutzung in Velocity.
The wiki rendering engine
Create zebra colors and other zebraish strings.
Create flocks of zebras.