Interface FormElementContext

Represents the context for a form element.

This interface is used to configure and define the context in which a form element operates. It includes properties for specifying the form element's container node, filter, form node and selector.


  • FormElementContext


containerNode?: HTMLElement

Represents a container element in the Document Object Model (DOM).

  • This property can be used to specify a particular container element within which the operations should be performed.
  • If not provided, the operations will be performed on the entire document.
filter?: string | JQuery<HTMLElement> | TypeOrArray<Element> | ((this, index, element) => boolean)

Represents a jQuery filter used to narrow down a set of jQuery elements.

  • This filter can be one of the following types:
    • A string representing a jQuery selector. This selector is used to match a subset of the selected elements.
    • An array of Elements or a single element. Only the selected elements that also exist in this array/single element will be included in the result set.
    • A jQuery object. Only the selected elements that also exist in this jQuery object will be included in the result set.
    • A function used as a test for each selected element. The function should return true for elements that should be included in the result set and false otherwise.

Type declaration

    • (this, index, element): boolean
    • Parameters

      • this: HTMLElement
      • index: number
      • element: HTMLElement

      Returns boolean

formNode?: any
selector?: string

Represents a selector expression.

  • This string is used to select elements in the DOM that match the provided pattern. It must be a valid CSS selector
    • For example, #myId to select an element with the ID "myId", .myClass to select all elements with the class "myClass", or div to select all div elements.
  • If not provided, no selection will be made.