• Load a JavaScript file on demand. Its content, like functions or variables, are then available in the Web Browser.


    • path: string

      Relative path to the JavaScript file. When calling loadScript, <portal>/external/htmlroot/ is the current directory.

    Returns Promise<boolean | Error>

    A promise that resolves when the script has been loaded.


    Only scripts within a <portal>/external/htmlroot/<folder> directory can be loaded. More specifically, the script must be located in one of the following folders: css, fonts, images, include, script or thirdparty.


    // Load `myScript.js` which is stored in the `<portal>/external/htmlroot/script` directory.
    // For example, functions stored in `myScript.js` can now be called from the Web Browser's console.
    .then((ok) => {
    if (ok) {
    // Script has been loaded successfully
    // Add your code here to use the loaded script
    console.log('Script has been loaded successfully');
    .catch((error) => {
    // Error occurred while loading the script