• Checks whether an UpObject is linked to the element. An UpObject is a unique control object used for interacting with older controls.


    • key: string | HTMLElement

      An element GUID, ID, or HTMLElement. This key is used to identify the control.

    • settings: Partial<ControlContext> = ...

    Returns boolean

    true if an UpObject is linked to the element, false otherwise.


    // Check if an UpObject is linked to the control using the GUID.
    const hasUpObject = ix.api.dom.hasUp("<ELEMENT-GUID>");

    // Check if an UpObject is linked to the control using the ID.
    const hasUpObject = ix.api.dom.hasUp("myControlID");

    // Check if an UpObject is linked to the control using the HTMLElement.
    const hasUpObject = ix.api.dom.hasUp(document.getElementById("myControlID"));