
  • GaugeSettings


[key: number]: object


accessibleTitle?: string

The title of the gauge for accessibility purposes.

arrows: ArrowOptions[]

The options for the gauge's arrows.

axes: AxesOptions[]

The options for the gauge's axes.

backgroundAlpha?: number

The opacity of the gauge's background (0-1).

backgroundColor?: string

The background color of the gauge.

faceAlpha?: number

The opacity of the gauge's face (0-1).

faceBgHeight?: number

The height of the gauge's face background.

faceBgWidth?: number

The width of the gauge's face background.

faceBgX?: number

The x-coordinate of the gauge's face background.

faceBgY?: number

The y-coordinate of the gauge's face background.

faceBorderAlpha?: number

The opacity of the gauge's face border (0-1).

faceBorderColor?: string

The border color of the gauge's face.

faceBorderWidth?: number

The width of the gauge's face border.

faceColor?: string

The color of the gauge's face.

fontFamily?: string

The font family of the gauge's text.

fontSize?: number

The font size of the gauge's text.

marginBottom?: number

The bottom margin of the gauge.

marginLeft?: number

The left margin of the gauge.

marginRight?: number

The right margin of the gauge.

marginTop?: number

The top margin of the gauge.

options: []

Additional options for the gauge.