The FileWalker provides direct access to files stored on your network, making them available to users within the browser. * The control offers an interface similar to Windows Explorer and enables both read and write access to shared folders. It also allows the corresponding files to be included in the portal-wide search, enhancing file discoverability.

Additionally, FileWalker supports dynamic insertion of individual path components based on the current data record. This feature can be particularly useful for displaying documents related to a specific project.


  • FileWalker


  • Go up one directory.

    Returns void


     var fileWalker = ix.api.dom.getControl("<ELEMENT-GUID>");
  • Shows or hides a field in the control.


    • fieldName: string

      The name of the field to show or hide. Possible values are: name, modificationDate, size, path, title, author, summary.

    Returns void


    var fileWalker = ix.api.dom.getControl("<ELEMENT-GUID>");
    fileWalker.fields('modificationDate') // shows or hides the modification date
  • Converts the file size from bytes to a human-readable format.

    This method takes the size of a file in bytes and converts it to the appropriate size unit (kB, MB, GB, etc.) for easier readability. The converted size is returned as a string with the size unit appended.


    • length: number

      The size of the file in bytes.

    Returns string

    The file size converted to a human-readable format, rounded to two decimal places.


    var filewalkerCtrl = ix.api.dom.getControl("<ELEMENT-GUID>");
    var readableSize = filewalkerCtrl.getSize(1024);
    console.log(readableSize); // Outputs: "1.00 kB"
  • Refreshes the view of the filewalker control.

    Returns void


    var fileWalker = ix.api.dom.getControl("<GUID>");
  • Sets the active directory to the specified path.


    • path: string

      The path of the directory to be set as the current directory.

    Returns void


    var fileWalker = ix.api.dom.getControl("<GUID>");
  • Sorts the content in the control based on the specified field.


    • field: string

      The name of the field to sort by. Possible values are: name, modificationDate, size, path, title, author, summary.

    • sortAscending: boolean = true

      (optional) Set to false to sort descending.

    Returns void


    var filewalker = ix.api.dom.getControl("<ELEMENT-GUID>");
    filewalker.sort("size"); // sorts content by size