Intrexx controls

Controls within Intrexx applications refer to elements or components that constitute the user interface. These controls, including text fields, buttons, checkboxes, dropdown lists and much more.

Interaction with controls

Each Intrexx control is uniquely identified by a GUID, which simplifies access and manipulation.

To initiate interaction with a control, developers must utilize the ix.api.dom.getControl function. This function is the main entry point enables them to retrieve specific controls by their GUID, granting access to the controls' properties and methods.

Common use cases

  • Data Retrieval: Accessing and manipulating data within controls, such as retrieving field values or querying data sources.

  • UI Manipulation: Dynamically updating the UI to reflect changes in data or user interactions, such as setting control visibility or enabling/disabling elements.

  • Event Handling: Responding to user actions or system events triggered within controls, allowing for custom behavior and seamless user experiences.

  • Validation and Error Handling: Implementing validation logic to ensure data integrity and handling errors gracefully to provide a smooth user experience.

  • Control Customization: Modifying control properties and behaviors to suit specific requirements, enhancing the overall functionality and usability of the application.

Control types

The Intrexx JavaScript API provides access to a range of control types.

Action controls

Provides methods for Intrexx buttons.

Edit controls

Enables users to modify data within linked fields while viewing or interacting with it.

View controls

Presents data from linked fields without altering it.

Table controls

Provides several generic methods for Intrexx tables.

Extended controls

Offers additional functionalities for more advanced controls, such as charts, file managers, gauges, etc.

