
  • GaugeArrow


alpha: number

Opacity of an arrow.

axis: any

Axis of the arrow. You can use reference to the axis or id of the axis. If you don't set any axis, the first axis of a chart will be used.

borderAlpha: number

Opacity of arrow border.

clockWiseOnly: boolean

In case you need the arrow to rotate only clock-wise, set this property to true.

color: string

Color of an arrow.

id: string

Unique id of an arrow.

innerRadius: string | number

Inner radius of an arrow.

nailAlpha: number

Opacity of a nail, holding the arrow.

nailBorderAlpha: number

Opacity of nail border.

nailBorderThickness: number

Thickness of nail border.

nailRadius: number

Radius of a nail, holding the arrow.

radius: string | number

Radius of an arrow.

startWidth: number

Width of arrow root.

value: number

Value to which the arrow should point at.


  • Sets value for the arrow. Arrow will animate to this value if you do it after chart is written to it's container.


    • value: number

    Returns void