The Tagging Cloud Control displays existing tags in a word cloud or as a data view on appropriate pages.

This control is capable of showing hashtags that have been entered and saved in a text field, provided this feature is enabled in the properties dialog. It provides a visual representation of tags, enhancing data categorization and navigation.


  • TaggingCloud



  • Retrieves the currently selected tags from the Tagging Cloud Control.

    If the control is in edit mode, it returns the value of the control itself. Otherwise, it returns the value of the input element within the control.

    Returns string

    The currently selected tags in the control, or an empty string if no tags are selected.


    var taggingCloudControl = ix.api.dom.getControl("<CONTROL-GUID>");
    taggingCloudControl.getValue(); // returns the selected tags
  • Selects a specific tag in the Tagging Cloud Control.

    This method is used to programmatically select a tag in the control. It takes the value of the tag as a parameter and selects the corresponding tag in the control.


    • value: string

      The value of the tag to be selected.

    Returns void


    var taggingCloudControl = ix.api.dom.getControl("<CONTROL-GUID>");
    taggingCloudControl.setValue('exampleTag'); // selects the 'exampleTag' tag