The OperatorOption Interface represents an option for a comparative operator in a filter.

  • Each operator option has a key, which typically represents the symbol of the operator (e.g., ">") and a title, which is a localized string that describes the operator (e.g., "Greater Than").
  • The type property is an array of OperatorControlType values that indicate the types of controls that can use this operator.
  • The filterExp property is a string that defines how the operator is applied in a filter expression.
  • The compValue property is a boolean that indicates whether the operator compares values.


key: ">",
title: "Greater Than",
type: [
filterExp: "infix",
compValue: true,


  • OperatorOption


compValue: boolean

Indicates whether the operator compares values.

filterExp?: string

The filter expression for this operator.

key: string

The key of the operator option, typically the symbol of the operator.

title: string

The title of the operator option, typically the symbol of the operator or a descriptive name.

The types of controls that can use this operator.