All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractFilter |
Base class for filters that implements some default behaviour.
AbstractGroovyDsNode |
Note: Do not declare variables of this type in scripts.
AbstractGroovyRecord |
AbstractGroovyRecord.IGroovyRecord |
AbstractIxValue |
AbstractModifiableGroovyDsNodeCollection<T extends AbstractGroovyDsNode> |
AbstractOperationFileValueHolder |
AbstractSession |
AccessDeniedValueHolder |
AccountName |
AfterCreateDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after a data group
record has been created.
AfterDeleteLayoutEvent |
AfterSaveLayoutEvent |
AfterUpdateDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after a data group
record has been updated.
AllHostnameVerifier |
This hostname verifier verifies all hostnames.
AllServerTrustedX509TrustManager |
This trust manager trusts all certificates.
AndExpression |
AppGuidFilter |
Filter by applications by GUIDs.
AppGuidNullFilter |
A filter for messages that belong or do not belong to an application.
AppIdFilter |
AppIdNullFilter |
ApplicationAfterDeleteEvent |
ApplicationBeforeDeleteEvent |
ApplicationCreateEvent |
ApplicationCssModifiedEvent |
ApplicationInfo |
Information about applications.
ApplicationJavaScriptModifiedEvent |
ApplicationMenuItemInfo |
Information about application menu items.
ApplicationOrder |
Order messages by application GUID and creation time.
ApplicationPermission |
ApplicationUpdateEvent |
Base64Encoder |
Base64 encoding as described in
RFC 2045 section 6.8.
Base64InputStream |
Base64 encoding as described in
RFC 2045 section 6.8.
Base64OutputStream |
Base64 encoding as described in
RFC 2045 section 6.8.
BeforeDeleteDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent before a data group
record is being deleted.
BeforeDeleteLayoutEvent |
BeforeSaveLayoutEvent |
BindingSegments |
BooleanValueHolder |
BrowserCacheManager |
CalendarUtil |
CanonicalLexicalRepresentationValueHolder |
Note: This class is intended to be used in scripting environments.
Cast |
CheckInterruptedClosure |
ChimeraDate |
ClearRtCacheEvent |
Cms2IxPolicyManager |
Cms2MenuUtil |
CmsPermission |
ConfigurationPermission |
ConjunctionFilter<T> |
ContextActionQueue |
Helper class to get the thread context's action queue.
ContextConnection |
Helper class to get the thread context's database connection.
ContextLanguage |
ContextLocale |
ContextSession |
ContextTimeZone |
ControlInfo |
Removed Methods on major Release 9
DEFAULT_TYPE getDefaultType()
String getDefault()
CONTROL_TYPE getReferredControlType()
ConvenientBpeeExecutionContext |
Convert |
CreateStackTraceStringClosure |
CreateTemporaryDirectoryClosure |
CreateValueHolderClosure |
CreationOrder |
Order messages by their creation timestamp.
CScriptWrapper |
Wrap cscript child processes.
CsvDataSet |
CurrentTimestampClosure |
DataFieldPermission |
DataGroupInfo |
Information about data groups.
DatagroupPermission |
DataPickerChildInfo |
DataRangeChildControlInfo |
DataRangeControlInfo |
DataTransferJobListEntry |
DateParser |
DateTimeValueHolder |
DbDisconnectedRow |
DbPreparedStatement |
DbQuery |
This class provides a database API that is intended to be used in scripting environments.
DbResultSet |
DbRowList |
DefaultDataRecord |
DefaultLanguage |
DefaultTimeZone |
DirectDirectoryCreateTransaction |
DirectDirectoryDeleteTransaction |
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
DirectDirectoryTransaction |
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
DirectFileCopyTransaction |
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
DirectFileDeleteTransaction |
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
DirectFileMoveTransaction |
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
DisjunctionFilter<T> |
DNAndClassFilter |
DoubleValueHolder |
DriveItem |
DriveRecipient |
DsClass |
Information class for a ds class object
DsClassPermission |
Permission to controll access to or to control instantiation of DS class objects.
DsContainerDepthFirstIterator |
Iterate over the given container node and all it's subnodes in depth-first order.
DsContainerNode |
DsContainerParentIterator |
Iterate over the given node and all it's ancestor nodes.
DsContainerPermission |
DsDbManagerFactory |
DsDbSchema |
DsRecordFactory |
Constants used by the RT classes (RtDataGroupUser...)
DsSetClosureIterator |
Iterate over a set and all sets the given set is member of.
DsSetMemberIterator |
Recursively iterate over the given set and all it's member sets.
DsSetNode |
DsSetNodePriorityComparator |
DsSetPermission |
DsSort |
DsucFactory |
DsUserPermission |
ErrorResponseData |
ExceptionUtil |
ExchangeAccount |
ExchangeAppointmentUtil |
Utility class for MS Exchange appointments.
ExchangeConnectionUtil |
Utility class providing connections to MS Exchange server.
ExchangeContactUtil |
ExchangeFolderInfo |
Provides information about a user's Exchange folder.
ExchangeItemUtil |
Utility class for MS Exchange items.
ExchangeMailboxUtil |
Utility class for working with an Exchange user's mailbox.
ExchangeMessageUtil |
Utility class for Exchange messages.
ExchangeNoteUtil |
ExchangeTaskUtil |
ExchangeUserMailboxInfo |
Provides information about an user's Exchange mailbox account.
ExchangeUtils |
This class consists exclusively of static methods that return MS Exchange
utility/scriptable objects.
ExecWrapper |
Wrap child processes.
ExternalPasswordUtil |
FieldFilter |
FieldInfo |
Information about data fields.
FileContentValueHolder |
Note: This class is intended to be used in scripting environments.
FileUCHelper |
FileValueHolder |
Holds information about a file.
FileWalkerConnectionPermission |
FileWalkerControlPermission |
FindExternalGuidFilter |
FindFilter |
FreeTimerProcessingContext |
Note: This processing context is not thread-safe.
FreeTimerWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent from a free timer.
GlobalNotifyDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
GlobalNotifyTimerDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent by a timer
to notify about a data group record.
GlobalTimerWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent from a global timer.
GlobalWorkflowCfgChangedEvent |
GroovyBinding |
GroovyCalendarPluginInfo |
Groovy calendar plugin information.
GroovyCalendarRtCache |
Groovy calendar runtime cache, providing a thin layer to the underlying delegate.
GroovyClosureFilter<T> |
This class implements the IFilter interface as a Groovy closure.
GroovyConflictAdvice |
GroovyContextConnections |
GroovyDataCollection |
GroovyDsContainerNode |
GroovyDsSetNode |
GroovyExceptionUtil |
GroovyExceptionUtil |
GroovyFileUrlBuilder |
GroovyHttpRequestWrapper |
GroovyInternalStore |
GroovyIntrexxValueHolderCategory |
GroovyIxAccessController |
GroovyJSON |
GroovyJSONObject |
GroovyLanguageConstants |
GroovyLocaleUtil |
GroovyLogger |
A logger to be used in Groovy bindings.
GroovyLogReader |
Parse statistics logs with Groovy.
GroovyMailBuilder |
GroovyMailBuilderWrapper |
GroovyOrgBuilder |
GroovyOrgManager |
GroovyOrgStructureWrapper |
GroovyParameter |
In a workflow environment: g_parameter
GroovyPortalExporter |
GroovyPortalInfo |
GroovyPortlet |
GroovyPortletDeletionAdvice |
GroovyPostRetrievalParams |
GroovyRedirectRule |
GroovyRedirectRules |
GroovyRtCache |
GroovySearch |
Groovy callable class for searches.
GroovySearch.Callback |
GroovyServerBridgeRequest |
GroovySession |
GroovySourcePage |
GroovySupportHelper |
GroovySystemDataGroup |
GroovyTaggingDao |
Groovy tagging-DAO.
GroovyTenantHelper |
GroovyUser |
A user wrapper class for Groovy scripting.
GroovyUserWrapper |
GroovyWebSocketTopic |
GroupExpression |
Guid |
This class represents global universal IDs.
GuidFilter |
GuidParser |
A parser that extracts Intrexx GUIDs from arbitrary text.
HexEncoder |
Utility class for hex encoding and decoding.
IAccessDeniedValueHolder |
IAfterCommitAction |
IAfterCreateDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
IAfterDeleteLayoutEvent |
IAfterSaveLayoutEvent |
IAfterStopJMSWorkflowEvent |
IAfterStopListenUDPWorkflowEvent |
IAfterStopMQTTWorkflowEvent |
IAfterStopWatchDirectoryWorkflowEvent |
IAfterStopWatchIMAPFolderWorkflowEvent |
IAfterStopWatchMaildirWorkflowEvent |
IAfterStopWorkflowEventSourceWorkflowEvent |
Marker interface for events that are being sent after a workflow event
source has been stopped.
IAfterUpdateDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
IApplicationAdminEvent |
IApplicationAfterDeleteEvent |
IApplicationBeforeDeleteEvent |
IApplicationCreateEvent |
IApplicationCssModifiedEvent |
IApplicationJavaScriptModifiedEvent |
IApplicationUpdateEvent |
IAttachmentInfo |
Provides information about an attachment.
IBadMailWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeDeleteDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeDeleteLayoutEvent |
IBeforeSaveLayoutEvent |
IBeforeStartJMSWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeStartListenUDPWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeStartMQTTWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeStartWatchDirectoryWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeStartWatchIMAPFolderWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeStartWatchMaildirWorkflowEvent |
IBeforeStartWorkflowEventSourceWorkflowEvent |
Marker interface for events that are being sent before a workflow event
source starts working.
IBinding |
IBindingContext |
IBindingKey |
IBindingProcessor |
IBooleanValueHolder |
IBrowserCacheInvalidateKeysEvent |
IBusinessLogicProcessingContext |
ICfgFileChangedEvent |
IClearRtCacheEvent |
ICloseable |
A closeable class may implement this interface.
IConfigurationEvent |
Events that signal a change in configuration settings should implement
this interface.
IDatabaseProcessingContext |
This interface is implemented by processing contexts that provide a
system database connection.
IDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
IDataObject |
IDataRangeDataService |
Interface for the Data part to the DataRange implementation.
IDataRecord |
IDataSet |
IDataWriter |
IDateTimeValueHolder |
A type-safety wrapper interface around IValueHolder<Date> .
IDbPreparedStatement |
IDbQuery |
IDbResultSet |
IDbRow |
IdentityFilter |
This filter actually performs no filtering.
IdentityFilter<T> |
This filter accepts anything.
IdentitySet |
IdFilter |
IDisposable |
IDoubleValueHolder |
IDsContainerRecord |
IDsDbManager<RECORDCLASS extends IDsRecord> |
IDsDistListRecord |
IDsGroupRecord |
IDsNode |
IDsObjectRecord |
IDsOrder |
IDsOrganizationRecord |
IDsOrgUnitRecord |
IDsRecord |
IDsRoleRecord |
IDsSelectFilter |
IDsSelectIterator |
IDsSetRecord |
IDsucContainer |
IDsucDistList |
IDsucGetMembers |
IDsucGetMembership |
IDsucGroup |
IDsucObject |
IDsucRole |
IDsucSet |
IDsucUser |
IDsUserRecord |
IExchangeAppointment |
Defines properties of an Exchange appointment and methods
to work with an appointment.
IExchangeAppointmentUtil |
Defines utility methods for MS Exchange appointments.
IExchangeContact |
Defines properties of an Exchange contact and methods
to work with a contact.
IExchangeContactUtil |
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange contacts.
IExchangeItem |
Defines common properties and methods of an Exchange mailbox item.
IExchangeItemUtil |
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange mailbox items.
IExchangeMailboxUtil |
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange mailbox settings.
IExchangeMessage |
Defines properties of a MS Exchange message and methods
to work with a message.
IExchangeMessageUtil |
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange messages.
IExchangeNote |
Defines properties of an Exchange note and methods
to work with a note.
IExchangeNoteUtil |
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange notes.
IExchangeTask |
Defines properties of an Exchange task and methods
for working with a task.
IExchangeTaskUtil |
Utility interface for working with MS Exchange tasks.
IFileSystemWorkflowEvent |
IFileValueHolder |
IFilter |
Used for news filtering on collection and / or database level.
IFilter<T> |
IFolderInfo |
Provides information about a MS Exchange folder.
IFreeTimerWorkflowEvent |
IGlobalTimerWorkflowEvent |
IGlobalWorkflowCfgChangedEvent |
IGroovyJSONContentBody |
A marker interface for content body elements created by GroovyJSON .
IHttpProcessingContext |
IIMAPMessageWorkflowEvent |
IIMAPWorkflowEvent |
IIxShareApplicationUpdateEvent |
IIxValue |
IJMSMessageWorkflowEvent |
IJMSWorkflowEvent |
ILanguageConstantsChangedEvent |
ILanguagesChangedEvent |
This event occurs if the supported languages have changed.
ILayoutEvent |
Marker interface for layout events.
IListenUDPWorkflowEvent |
ILocale |
This interface represents locale settings in up environments.
ILocaleFormatsChangedEvent |
This event occurs if the supported locales have changed.
ILogonUser |
ILongValueHolder |
ImageHelper |
ImageHelper.MetaDataDirectories |
This class represents a collection of image metadata directories.
ImageHelper.MetaDataDirectory |
This class represents an image metadata directory.
IMaildirMessageWorkflowEvent |
IMaildirWorkflowEvent |
IMenuChangedEvent |
IMenuStyleChangedEvent |
IMessagingWorkflowEvent |
IMetaTagsChangedEvent |
IMQTTMessageWorkflowEvent |
IMQTTWorkflowEvent |
INamedLayoutEvent |
IndexUtil |
This is a class for managing index content with scripting languages.
IndirectDeleteDirectoryTransaction |
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
IndirectDeleteFileTransaction |
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
IndirectDirectoryCreateTransaction |
IndirectDirectoryTransaction |
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
IndirectFileCopyTransaction |
The IO operation not done before commit is called by the transaction manager
IndirectFileCreateFileTransaction |
The IO operation not done before commit is called by the transaction manager
Transaction object for creating a new file.
IndirectFileMoveTransaction |
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
INotifyDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
INotifyTimerDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
InsertFilter |
InternetMailAddressParser |
A parser that extracts internet mail addresses from arbitrary text.
IntrexxApplicationContext |
An accessor class for the Spring application context.
IntrexxHome |
IObjectValueHolder |
A marker interface for a non primitive value holder
IOffice365OneDriveServiceGroovy |
IOHelper |
IOHelper class utility.
IOperationFileItem |
IOperationFileValueHolder |
IOrder |
IOrgStructure |
IOrgStructureChangedEvent |
IOrgStructureEvent |
IPollingEndpoint |
IPollingService |
IPortalCfgChangedEvent |
IPortalExportEndEvent |
IPortalExportEvent |
IPortalExportStartEvent |
IPortletEvent |
IPortletInstanceDeletedEvent |
IProcessingContext |
A marker interface for processing contexts.
IProcessStartEvent |
IProxyChangedEvent |
IPushNotificationWorkflowEvent |
IRequestProcessingContext |
A processing context that contains a request.
ISchemaChangedEvent |
Signals that there was a change in the schema.
ISendMailConfiguration |
ISendMailWorkflowEvent |
IServerBridgeRequest |
IServerBridgeResponse |
IServerEvent |
This interface is used to designate a class as a server event.
IServerStartEvent |
IServerStopEvent |
IServiceControlEvent |
Service control events such as server start or stop should implement this interface.
ISession |
ISessionLoginWorkflowEvent |
ISessionLogoutWorkflowEvent |
ISessionProcessingContext |
This interface is implemented by processing contexts that provide a
portal server session.
ISessionWorkflowEvent |
ISharedStateProcessingContext |
ISODateTimeUtil |
The static methods of this class are thread-safe.
ISODateTimeUtil.Instance |
IStringValueHolder |
ItemReference |
ITimerJobCompletionWorkflowEvent |
ITimerJobSchedulingWorkflowEvent |
ITimerWorkflowEvent |
ITransaction |
Interface for transactions managed by the transaction manager.
ITransactionResource |
ITwoPhaseIOTransaction |
ITwoPhaseTransaction |
A simple two-phase commit file system transaction.
IUafcCfgChangedEvent |
IUDPDatagramWorkflowEvent |
IUser |
IUserAddedEvent |
IUserDeactivatedEvent |
IUserDeletedEvent |
IUserLockedWorkflowEvent |
IUserModifiedEvent |
IUserWorkflowEvent |
IValueAccess |
IValueHolder<T> |
IValueHolderAccess |
IViewData |
IWatchDirectoryCreateWorkflowEvent |
IWatchDirectoryDeleteWorkflowEvent |
IWatchDirectoryModifyWorkflowEvent |
IWatchDirectoryWorkflowEvent |
IWebProcessingContext |
IWebResourceEvent |
A marker interface for server events for web resources.
IWebResourceUpdateEvent |
IWebServiceAdministrationEvent |
IWebServiceProviderProcessingContext |
IWebServiceRegisterEvent |
IWebServiceUnregisterEvent |
IWorkflowEvent |
This is the interface for workflow events.
IWorkflowEventSourceWorkflowEvent |
Interface for events that normally origin from
IWorkflowEventSource s.
IWrappedServerEventWorkflowEvent |
IxAccessController |
IxBigDecimalValue |
IxBooleanValue |
IxDateTimeValue |
IxDoubleValue |
IxFileUploadTransaction |
Same as DirectFileMoveTransaction
but on a rollback the source file can be deleted depends on how the object was constructed.
IxIntValue |
IxKeyValue |
IxLongValue |
IxMimeMessage |
IxObjectValue |
IxShareApplicationUpdateEvent |
IxStringValue |
IxValueFactory |
JobStarter |
KerberosTicket |
KeyedSaltedHashing |
LanguageConstantsChangedEvent |
LogEntry |
LoggedOnUsers |
LoginFilter |
LogUtil |
LongValueHolder |
MailAddressUtil |
MailUtil |
MD5 |
MenuChangedEvent |
MenuPermission |
MenuStyleChangedEvent |
Message |
Represents a message that is managed by a NewsAgent .
MetaTagsChangedEvent |
ModifiableGroovyDsSetNodeCollection |
ModProbe |
NameFilter |
NamespaceAccessor |
NamespaceURI |
Standard namespace URIs
NegationFilter<T> |
NewGuidClosure |
NewGuidValueHolder |
NewsAgent |
Handles messages that exist beyond application scope.
NewsArchiveReceivedFilter |
NewsArchiveSentFilter |
NIOHelper |
NIOHelper class utility.
Nonce |
Used to create cryptographically secure random bits
that can be used as nonce values.
NotExpiredFilter |
Filters messages that have not expired yet.
NotifyTimerDataGroupWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent from a data
group timer.
NowClosure |
NowValueHolder |
NullValueHolder |
Convention: Normally you set a value-holder to null if you can't find
the requested attribute/field/... .
OAuth2Util |
Provides methods to support OAuth2 authorization in Connector API apps.
ObjectValueHolder |
ODataFileUtil |
Utility class for copying files between Intrexx datagroups via Intrexx OData Provider services.
Office365OneDriveServiceGroovy |
OperationFile |
OperationFileAppendFirstValueHolder |
OperationFileDeleteValueHolder |
OperationFileItem |
OperationFileMergeValueHolder |
OperationFileOrder |
OperationFileRefreshValueHolder |
OperationFileRename |
OperationFileReplaceValueHolder |
OperationFileSingle |
Operator |
OrgStructure |
This class is an in-memory representation of the Intrexx organizational structure.
OrgStructureBuilder |
OrgStructureCache |
OrgStructureChangedEvent |
This event is fired whenever changes in the organizational structure
were made that cannot be specified more precisely.
PageDataGroupInfo |
PageInfo |
Information about pages.
PagePermission |
ParseGuidsClosure |
PerformanceMonitorAccessor |
Permission |
PermissionRequest |
PGEncryptionUtil |
PolicyPermission |
PollingService |
PortalCfgChangedEvent |
PortalDataRefresh |
PortalExportEndEvent |
PortalExportStartEvent |
PortalPermission |
ProcessStartEvent |
ProxyChangedEvent |
This event indicates, that the portal's proxy configuration has been changed.
QuartzSchedulerService |
QuotedPrintableEncoder |
Quoted-Printable encoding as described
RFC 2045 section 6.7.
ReaderValueHolder |
ReadOnlyGroovyRecord |
ReadWriteGroovyRecord |
RecipientFilter |
ReferenceInfo |
Information about data field references.
ReferenceParameterInfo |
Holds the information of a reference parameter (record of LCAPPREFPARAM)
RelationshipController |
ReportManager |
RestrictedBusinessLogicProcessingContext |
This IBusinessLogicProcessingContext is used in cases where a
real business logic processing context is not available, but an operation
that requires a IBusinessLogicProcessingContext is likely to
succeed with a restricted context.
Rot13 |
RoundingUtil |
Safely |
SaferIOOperation |
Salt |
Used to create cryptographically secure random strings
that can be used as salt values.
SBOBob |
SBOConnector |
SBODocumentFactory |
SearchServiceAccessor |
SendMailService |
ServerEventDispatcher |
A dispatcher for server events that must be defined in the Spring application
context of the portal server.
ServerFeature |
SessionLoginWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after a session login.
SessionLogoutWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after session logout.
SharedState |
ShareEventUtil |
ShareFeedUtil |
ShareFileShelfUtil |
ShareGroovyUtil |
ShareGroupUtil |
ShareInitPatcher |
SharePhotoAlbumUtil |
ShareProfileUtil |
ShareSystemMessageUtil |
SharingLink |
SimpleMailParser |
Simple mail parser to simplify the parsing of the most common cases of multipart mails.
SingleAppGuidFilter |
Filter by application GUID.
SingleAppIdFilter |
Size |
Snapshot |
Stopwatch |
Stopwatch with millisecond time resolution.
StringValueHolder |
SystemMessage |
SystemMessagesMailHelper |
TarHelper |
IOHelper class utility
TemplateInfo |
TextUtil |
TimerJobCompletionWorkflowEvent |
TimerJobSchedulingWorkflowEvent |
TimeZoneUtil |
TopicPermission |
TransactionManager |
UafcCfgChangedEvent |
This notification is sent when the user agent filter chain configuration has changed.
UncheckedValueHolderException |
UniqueNumberGenerator |
Generates a unique id number.
UniqueNumberGeneratorExtended |
Generates a unique id number per Signature.
UntisDataImport |
UntisDataImport.GroovyCsvConfiguration |
A convenience wrapper class for Groovy scripting.
UpNamespaceURI |
United Planet XML namespace URIs.
URIEncoder |
UrlBuilder |
URLValidator |
UserAddedEvent |
This event should be fired if a user was added.
UserDeactivatedEvent |
This event should be fired if a user was deactivated.
UserDeletedEvent |
This event should be fired if a user was deleted.
UserIdentitySet |
UserModifiedEvent |
UserNameBuilder |
Builds names from user related data.
UserProfile |
User profile class.
UserProfileSynchronizer |
UserWorkflowEvent |
A concrete class that implements a user defined workflow event.
ValueCastException |
ValueHolderFactory |
ValueHolderHelper |
ValueHolderHelper.VhComparator |
Value holder comparator.
Namespaces of named variables.
VelocityContextUtil |
This class provides a type safe Intrexx version.
VHFileDescriptor |
Holds the necessary information for the FileValueHolder .
VHFileDescriptors |
WebResourceUpdateEvent |
WebServiceAdministrationPermission |
WebServiceRegisterEvent |
WebServiceUnregisterEvent |
WhereClauseFilter |
WorkflowException |
WrappedServerEventWorkflowEvent |
XmlCharacterClasses |
XmlMarkupEncoder |
Replace <, >, &, ", and ' with their respective XML entities.
XmlSchemaDatatypeValueHolder |
ZipHelper |
IOHelper class utility