Class ErrorResponseData

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    de.uplanet.json.IJSONAppendableAware, de.uplanet.json.IJSONAware

    public final class ErrorResponseData
    extends Object
    implements de.uplanet.json.IJSONAware, de.uplanet.json.IJSONAppendableAware
    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorResponseData

        public ErrorResponseData()
      • ErrorResponseData

        public ErrorResponseData​(String p_strTitle,
                                 String p_strDescription,
                                 String p_strType,
                                 boolean p_bEmbedded,
                                 String p_strRedirectUrl,
                                 long p_lDelay)
    • Method Detail

      • noData

        public static ErrorResponseData noData()
        Create an empty error response object.
        An empty error response object.
      • hasData

        public boolean hasData()
        Same as hasTitle() || hasRedirectUrl().
      • hasTitle

        public boolean hasTitle()
        Check if this error response has a title.
        true if this error response has a title, or false otherwise.
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Get the title of this error response.
        The title of this error response.
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String p_strTitle)
        Set the title of this error response.
        p_strTitle - The title.
      • hasDescription

        public boolean hasDescription()
        Check if this error response has a description.
        true if this error response has a description, or false otherwise.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Get the description of this error response.
        The description of this error response.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String p_strDescription)
        Set the description of this error response.
        p_strDescription - The description.
      • hasType

        public boolean hasType()
        Check if this error response has a type.
        true if this error response has a type, or false otherwise.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Get the type of this error response.
        The type of this error response.
      • setType

        public void setType​(String p_strType)
        Set the type of this error response.
        p_strType - The type.
      • isShowEmbedded

        public boolean isShowEmbedded()
        Get the showEmbedded flag of this error response.
        The showEmbedded flag of this error response.
      • setShowEmbedded

        public void setShowEmbedded​(boolean p_bShowEmbedded)
        Set the showEmbedded flag of this error response.
        p_bShowEmbedded - The showEmbedded flag.
      • isShowBare

        public boolean isShowBare()
        Same as !isShowEmbedded().
      • hasRedirectUrl

        public boolean hasRedirectUrl()
        Check if this error response has a redirect URL.
        true if this error response has a redirect URL, or false otherwise.
      • getRedirectUrl

        public String getRedirectUrl()
        Get the redirect URL of this error response.
        The redirect URL of this error response.
      • setRedirectUrl

        public void setRedirectUrl​(String p_strRedirectUrl)
        Set the redirect URL of this error response.
        p_strRedirectUrl - The redirect URL.
      • hasRedirectDelay

        public boolean hasRedirectDelay()
        Check if this error response has a redirect delay.
        true if this error response has a redirect delay, or false otherwise.
      • getRedirectDelay

        public long getRedirectDelay()
        Get the redirect delay of this error response.
        The redirect delay of this error response.
      • setRedirectDelay

        public void setRedirectDelay​(long p_lRedirectDelay)
        Set the redirect delay of this error response.
        p_lRedirectDelay - The redirect delay.
      • writeJSON

        public <T extends Appendable> T writeJSON​(T p_appendable)
                                           throws IOException
        Write this object as a JSON object to the given character stream.
        Specified by:
        writeJSON in interface de.uplanet.json.IJSONAppendableAware
        IOException - If an I/O error occurred while writing to the given output stream.
      • toJSON

        public String toJSON()
        Specified by:
        toJSON in interface de.uplanet.json.IJSONAware