Notifiers in Intrexx provide pre-built methods for displaying customized tooltips in various scenarios.

You can open notifiers at different positions:

  • On a specific element: element
  • As a modal: modal
  • At the current mouse position: mouse
  • Bottom right of the window: status

To call a notifier, use the syntax: Notifier.[position].[function(param1, ...)];


Open a notifier at different positions

// Display a tooltip on the specified HTML element with the provided content and headline.
var htmlElement = ix.api.dom.getHtml("<ELEMENT-GUID>");
Notifier.element.notify(htmlElement, "Content", "Title");

// Display a modal tooltip with the provided content and headline.
Notifier.modal.notify("Content", "Title");

// Display a tooltip at the current mouse position with the provided content, headline, key, and settings.
Notifier.mouse.notify("Content", "Title", "Key", settings);

// Display a tooltip at the bottom right of the window with the provided content, headline, key, and settings.
Notifier.status.notify("Content", "Title", "Key", settings);


When opening a notifier with the key parameter, you can use the same key to close the notifier.

// Display a modal tooltip with the provided content and headline.
Notifier.modal.notify("Your content", "Important headline", "yourKey");

// Close a notifier with the specified key `yourKey`.


Open a notifier with custom settings IxTooltipSettings

// Display a tooltip at the top left of the window with the provided content, headline, key, and settings.
Notifier.status.notify("Content", "Title", "Key", {
alignment: "top_left", // change default position
autoClose: true,
autoCloseInterval: 10000, // close after 10 seconds
className: "TT_ADVICE", // additionally add a custom class


  • Notifier


  • get element(): {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        error: ((htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
        notify: ((htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
  • Opens an error or notify tooltip on an HTML element with default settings.
    For additional settings see IxTooltipSettings.

    Returns {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        error: ((htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
        notify: ((htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);

    • close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>)
        • (key): boolean | Promise<{}>
        • Parameters

          • key: string

          Returns boolean | Promise<{}>

    • error: ((htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>)
        • (htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?): Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>
        • Parameters

          • htmlTarget: HTMLElement
          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional alignment: AlignmentsElement
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>

    • notify: ((htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>)
        • (htmlTarget, content?, title?, key?, alignment?, settings?): Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>
        • Parameters

          • htmlTarget: HTMLElement
          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional alignment: AlignmentsElement
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>


    // Get the HTML element to display the tooltip on.
    var htmlTarget = ix.api.dom.getHtml("<ELEMENT-GUID>");

    // Open + close an error tooltip on the specified HTML element with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.element.error(htmlTarget, "Content", "Title", "KeyError");

    // Open + close a notify tooltip on the specified HTML element with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.element.notify(htmlTarget, "Content", "Title", "KeyNotify");
  • get modal(): {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
        system: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
  • Opens a notify or system tooltip modal with default settings.
    For additional settings see IxTooltipSettings.

    Returns {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
        system: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);

    • close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>)
        • (key): boolean | Promise<{}>
        • Parameters

          • key: string

          Returns boolean | Promise<{}>

    • notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>

    • system: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>


    // Open + close a notify modal with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.modal.notify("Content", "Title", "KeyNotify");

    // Open + close a system modal with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.modal.system("Content", "Title", "KeySystem");
  • get mouse(): {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);
  • Opens a notify tooltip at the current mouse position with default settings.
    For additional settings see IxTooltipSettings.

    Returns {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>);

    • close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>)
        • (key): boolean | Promise<{}>
        • Parameters

          • key: string

          Returns boolean | Promise<{}>

    • notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<UpElementTooltip | UpWindowTooltip>


    // Open + close a tooltip at the current mouse position with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.mouse.notify("Content", "Title", "Key");
  • get status(): {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        error: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
        info: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
        notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
        warn: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
  • Opens an error, info, notify or warn tooltip with default settings.
    For additional settings see IxTooltipSettings.

    Returns {
        close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>);
        error: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
        info: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
        notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);
        warn: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>);

    • close: ((key) => boolean | Promise<{}>)
        • (key): boolean | Promise<{}>
        • Parameters

          • key: string

          Returns boolean | Promise<{}>

    • error: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<void>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<void>

    • info: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<void>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<void>

    • notify: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<void>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<void>

    • warn: ((content?, title?, key?, settings?) => Promise<void>)
        • (content?, title?, key?, settings?): Promise<void>
        • Parameters

          • Optional content: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement[]
          • Optional title: string | boolean
          • Optional key: string
          • Optional settings: Partial<IxTooltipSettings>

          Returns Promise<void>


    // Open + close an error tooltip with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.status.error("Content", "Title", "KeyError");

    // Open + close an info tooltip with the provided content and headline."Content", "Title", "KeyInfo");

    // Open + close a notify tooltip with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.status.notify("Content", "Title", "KeyNotify");

    // Open + close a warn tooltip with the provided content and headline.
    Notifier.status.warn("Content", "Title", "KeyWarn");