The Action provides several methods for Intrexx buttons with a specific setting.
These methods can be used whenever the control's Action setting has:

  • a "Jump" destination set
    • To a page of an application
    • URL
  • an "Action type" set to a page action
    • Save
    • Delete


  • UpActionControlBase
    • Action


  • Disable the control.

    Returns void

  • Enable the control.

    Returns void

  • Returns HTMLFormElement[]

  • Returns the target URL.

    Returns string

  • Returns boolean

  • Check if an element is allowed to be disabled.


    • element: HTMLElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLButtonElement | HTMLSelectElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLOptGroupElement | HTMLOptionElement | HTMLFieldSetElement

    Returns boolean

  • Check if an element is enabled.

    Returns boolean

  • Remove request parameter from target URL.


    • name: string

    Returns void

  • Remove multiple request parameters from target URL.


    • names: string[]

    Returns void

  • Sets the target URL.


    • url: string

    Returns string

  • Set request parameter to target URL.


    • name: string
    • value: string

    Returns string