• Sets a specified query string parameter with a given value in a URL string.


    • param: string

      The query string parameter to change or add if not existing already.

    • value: string

      The value for the (new) parameter.

    • queryString: string

      The complete URI or the parameter component part of a URI.

    • Optional noHexEnc: boolean

      Disable hex encoding.

    • noUrlCheck: boolean = false

      Separate parameter component part from the given URI.

    Returns false | string

    The parameter component part without the question mark.


    // Given URL: "https://your.ix-portal.de/page?param1=value1"
    ix.api.url.setQsValue("param2", "value2", "https://your.ix-portal.de/page?param1=value1");

    // Returns: "param1=value1&param2=value2"