Interface IValueHolder<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAccessDeniedValueHolder, IBooleanValueHolder, IDateTimeValueHolder, IDoubleValueHolder, IFileValueHolder, ILongValueHolder, IOperationFileValueHolder, IStringValueHolder
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractOperationFileValueHolder, AccessDeniedValueHolder, BooleanValueHolder, CanonicalLexicalRepresentationValueHolder, DateTimeValueHolder, DoubleValueHolder, FileContentValueHolder, FileValueHolder, LongValueHolder, NewGuidValueHolder, NowValueHolder, NullValueHolder, ObjectValueHolder, OperationFileAppendFirstValueHolder, OperationFileDeleteValueHolder, OperationFileMergeValueHolder, OperationFileRefreshValueHolder, OperationFileReplaceValueHolder, ReaderValueHolder, StringValueHolder, XmlSchemaDatatypeValueHolder

public interface IValueHolder<T>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the canonical lexical representation of this value according to it's datatype.
    Get the raw data that this value holder holds.
    The type of data this value holder holds.
    Get the data that this value holder holds.
    Check if this value holder currently holds data or not.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      QName getType()
      The type of data this value holder holds.
    • hasValue

      boolean hasValue()
      Check if this value holder currently holds data or not.
      true if the data holder holds data, or false otherwise.
    • getValue

      T getValue()
      Get the data that this value holder holds.

      Implementations MUST ensure that multiple calls to this method will return values that equal each other.

      The data.
    • getRawValue

      Object getRawValue()
      Get the raw data that this value holder holds.
      The raw data.
    • getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation

      String getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation()
      Get the canonical lexical representation of this value according to it's datatype.
      The canonical lexical representation, or null if such a representation does not exist (e.g. if hasValue() returns false).