Interface IBrowserCacheManager

  • public interface IBrowserCacheManager
    • Method Detail

      • getBaseUsn

        long getBaseUsn()
        Get the base update sequence number, i.e. the USN that will be returned for keys that are not explicitely managed by this cache.
        The base update sequence number.
      • getCurrentUsn

        long getCurrentUsn()
        Get the current update sequence number, i.e. highest USN that is currently present in this cache.
        The base update sequence number.
      • incrementAndGetCurrentUsn

        long incrementAndGetCurrentUsn()
        Increment and get the current update sequence number, i.e. highest USN that is currently present in this cache.
        The base update sequence number.
      • getUsn

        long getUsn​(String p_strKey)
        Get the update sequence number for the given key.
        p_strKey - The key.
        The update sequence number for the given key.
      • getKeyToUsnMapping

        SortedMap<String,​Long> getKeyToUsnMapping()
        Get the mapping of keys to their current update sequence number.
        The mapping.
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Check if the cache manager is enabled.
        true if the cache manager is enabled, or false otherwise.
      • invalidate

        void invalidate()
        Invalidate all keys.
      • invalidateKeysByPrefix

        void invalidateKeysByPrefix​(String... p_keyPrefixes)
        Invalidate keys that have one of the given prefixes.
        p_keyPrefixes - An array of key prefixes.
      • enable

        void enable()
      • disable

        void disable()