Package de.uplanet.lucy.server.binding
Syntax of a binding string- bindingType
- bindingType['guid|name']
- bindingType["guid|name"]
- bindingType.guid
- bindingType['guid|name'].guid
- bindingType["guid|name"].name
- bindingType['guid|name'].subtype['guid|name']
- bindingType["guid|name"].subtype["guid|name"]
- bindingType["guid|name"].subtype["guid|name"].name
- ...
The bindings may be not available in all contexts.
List of known bindings.
- request
- session
- request
- target.argument
- argument
- parameter
- container
- systemDataGroup, systemProperty
- control
- recId
- currentDate
- date
- currentDateTime
- currentTimestamp
- timestamp
- currentTime
- currentUser
- time
- staticText
- velocity
- compatibility
- request['name']
- session['variable name']
- sharedState['variable name']
systemDatagGroup or systemProperty
Gets a value of a system data group field, of the current or a specified application
- systemDataGroup['APPLICATIONGUID'].dataField['NAME|GUID]'] (system data group value from the given application)
- systemDataGroup['APPLICATIONGUID'].%FIELDNAME% (system data group value from the given application)
- systemDataGroup['APPLICATIONGUID'].%FIELDGUID% (system data group value from the given application)
- systemDataGroup.%FIELDNAME% (system data group value from the given application)
- systemDataGroup.%FIELDGUID% (system data group value from the given application)
- systemProperty['APPLICATIONGUID'].dataField['NAME|GUID]'] (system data group value from the given application)
- systemProperty['APPLICATIONGUID'].%FIELDNAME% (system data group value from the given application)
- systemProperty['APPLICATIONGUID'].%FIELDGUID% (system data group value from the given application)
- systemProperty.%FIELDNAME% (system data group value of the current application)
- systemProperty.%FIELDGUID% (system data group value of the current application)
Gets a value from a read- or writecontainer
- container['GUID|NAME'].dataField['GUID|NAME']
- container['GUID|NAME'].member['GUID|NAME']
- container['GUID|NAME'].recordOwner (The value of record owner field)
- container['GUID|NAME'].userId (The value of userid field)
- container['GUID|NAME'].key (The value of the single primary key)
- container['GUID|NAME'].primaryKey (The value of the single primary key)
- container['GUID|NAME'].key['GUID|NAME'] (The value of the primary key with the GUID or name)
- container['GUID|NAME'].primaryKey['GUID|NAME'] (The value of the primary key with the GUID or name)
- container['GUID|NAME'].foreignKey['GUID|NAME'] (The value of the foreign key with the GUID or name)
- container['GUID|NAME'].foreignKey (The value of the single foreign key)
- container['GUID|NAME'].combinedKey (The value of the single primary key or a formated Key string like "LID= 1, LANG= de")
- container['GUID|NAME'].combinedPrimaryKey (The value of the single primary key or a formated Key string like "LID= 1, LANG= de")
- container['GUID|NAME'].combinedForeignKey (The value of the single foreign key or a formated Key string like "LID= 1, LANG= de")
Gets a value of a control.
- control['GUID']
- control['NAME']
- control.guid['%CONTROLGUID%']
- control.sysIdent[' %SYSIDENT%']
target.argument, parameter, argument
Gets a value of a page argument
- argument['NAME']
- parameter['NAME']
- target.argument['NAME']
Gets a value of a combined old rq_RecId or qs_RecId argument with format: "LID= 1; LANG= de"
- recId['LID'](gets the LID value out of the rec id string )
- recId['LANG'](gets the LANG value out of the rec id string )
currentDate, date
Gets the current date value.
- currentDate
- date
- currentDate[Y,M,D]
currentDate[+1,2,-3] Adjust current date: Year +1, month = 2, day -3
-> Rules definition: See p_adjust in de.uplanet.util.CalendarUtil.modifyCalendar(T, String p_adjust, boolean)
currentDateTime, currentTimestamp, timestamp
Gets the current date time value.
- currentDateTime
- currentTimestamp
- timestamp
- currentDateTime.%TIMEZONE%
- currentTimestamp.%TIMEZONE%
- timestamp.%TIMEZONE%
- currentDateTime[Y,M,D,H,m,S]
currentDate[+1,2,-3,2, +2, 0] Adjust current date: Year +1, month = 2, day -3, hour=3,min+2,sec=0
-> Rules definition: See p_adjust in de.uplanet.util.CalendarUtil.modifyCalendar(T, String p_adjust, boolean) - currentDateTime[Y,M,D,H,m,S].%TIMEZONE%
currentTime, time
Gets the current time value.
- currentTime
- time
- currentTime[H,m,S]
currentTime[+1,2,-3] Adjust current date: Hour +1, minute = 2, second -3
-> Rules definition: See p_adjust in de.uplanet.util.CalendarUtil.modifyCalendar(T, String p_adjust, boolean)
Gets a value from the current session user.
- currentUser['NAME']
- currentUser['GUID']
Gets the given text of the binding.
- staticText['TEXT'] => TEXT will returned
Gets the given velocity text of the binding. The velocity text will be tried to interpret
- velocity['TEXT'] => The interpreted velocity TEXT will returned
Used for compatibility to 18.3 old rq_RecId values used as parameters
- compatibility.primaryKey
- compatibility.primaryKey['name']
- compatibility.foreignKey
- compatibility.foreignKey['name']
- compatibility.primaryOrForeignKey
- compatibility.primaryOrForeignKey['name']
Interface Summary Interface Description IBinding IBindingContext