Class RelationshipCallable

  • @VelocityCallable("singleton")
    public final class RelationshipCallable
    extends Object
    Callable for the relationship control.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      RelationshipCallable​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.control.IRelationshipControlFactory p_factory, de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.IRelationshipEngine p_engine)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getParentRelationshipNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx, String p_strModelGuid, String p_strNodeGuid, String p_strRecId)
      Returns the parent node instance and its records for the given child node.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getRelationshipNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx, String p_strModelGuid, String p_strNodeGuid, String p_strRecId)
      Returns the node instance for the given model and node GUID and its child nodes.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getRelationshipNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx, String p_strModelGuid, String p_strNodeGuid, String p_strRecId, boolean p_bPrefetchRecords)
      Returns the node instance for the given model and node GUID and its child nodes.
      List<de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipRecordItem> getRelationshipRecords​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx, String p_strModelGuid, String p_strNodeGuid, String p_strRecId, String p_strChildNodeGuid)
      Loads the relationship records for the given model, start node, child node and record ID.
      List<de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipRecordItem> getRelationshipRecords​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx, String p_strModelGuid, String p_strNodeGuid, String p_strRecId, String p_strChildNodeGuid, int p_iMaxRecordCount)
      Loads the relationship records for the given model, start node, child node and record ID.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getStartNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx, String p_strControlGuid, String p_strRecId)
      The main entry point for the relationship control.
      boolean isActive​(String p_strModelGuid, String p_strNodeGuid)
      Returns true, if a relationship model with the given GUID and the node with the given GUID are both active.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RelationshipCallable

        public RelationshipCallable()
      • RelationshipCallable

        public RelationshipCallable​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.control.IRelationshipControlFactory p_factory,
                                    de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.IRelationshipEngine p_engine)
    • Method Detail

      • getStartNodeItem

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getStartNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx,
                                                                                               String p_strControlGuid,
                                                                                               String p_strRecId)
                                                                                        throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException
        The main entry point for the relationship control. Returns the start node instance and its child nodes.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        p_strControlGuid - The control GUID.
        The IRelationshipViewRecordItem instance.
      • getRelationshipNodeItem

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getRelationshipNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx,
                                                                                                      String p_strModelGuid,
                                                                                                      String p_strNodeGuid,
                                                                                                      String p_strRecId)
                                                                                               throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException
        Returns the node instance for the given model and node GUID and its child nodes.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        p_strModelGuid - The GUID identifying the relationship model.
        p_strNodeGuid - The GUID identifying the start node of the model.
        p_strRecId - The record ID identifying the node's data record.
        The IRelationshipNodeItem instance.
      • getRelationshipNodeItem

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getRelationshipNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx,
                                                                                                      String p_strModelGuid,
                                                                                                      String p_strNodeGuid,
                                                                                                      String p_strRecId,
                                                                                                      boolean p_bPrefetchRecords)
                                                                                               throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException
        Returns the node instance for the given model and node GUID and its child nodes.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        p_strModelGuid - The GUID identifying the relationship model.
        p_strNodeGuid - The GUID identifying the start node of the model.
        p_strRecId - The record ID identifying the node's data record.
        p_bPrefetchRecords - true, if the child nodes records should be loaded immediately.
        The IRelationshipNodeItem instance.
      • getParentRelationshipNodeItem

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipNodeItem getParentRelationshipNodeItem​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx,
                                                                                                            String p_strModelGuid,
                                                                                                            String p_strNodeGuid,
                                                                                                            String p_strRecId)
                                                                                                     throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException
        Returns the parent node instance and its records for the given child node.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        p_strModelGuid - The GUID identifying the relationship model.
        p_strNodeGuid - The GUID identifying the child node in the model.
        p_strRecId - The record ID identifying the child node's data record.
        The IRelationshipNodeItem instance.
      • getRelationshipRecords

        public List<de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipRecordItem> getRelationshipRecords​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx,
                                                                                                             String p_strModelGuid,
                                                                                                             String p_strNodeGuid,
                                                                                                             String p_strRecId,
                                                                                                             String p_strChildNodeGuid)
                                                                                                      throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException
        Loads the relationship records for the given model, start node, child node and record ID. In order to identify the correct filter when loading the records, the source and the target node of the relationship must be provided.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        p_strModelGuid - The GUID identifying the relationship model.
        p_strNodeGuid - The GUID identifying the start node (source) of the model.
        p_strRecId - The record ID identifying the node's data record.
        p_strChildNodeGuid - The child node (target) which records should be loaded.
        A list of IRelationshipViewRecordItem instances.
        de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException - If operation fails.
      • getRelationshipRecords

        public List<de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.view.IRelationshipRecordItem> getRelationshipRecords​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.IBusinessLogicProcessingContext p_ctx,
                                                                                                             String p_strModelGuid,
                                                                                                             String p_strNodeGuid,
                                                                                                             String p_strRecId,
                                                                                                             String p_strChildNodeGuid,
                                                                                                             int p_iMaxRecordCount)
                                                                                                      throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException
        Loads the relationship records for the given model, start node, child node and record ID. In order to identify the correct filter when loading the records, the source and the target node of the relationship must be provided.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        p_strModelGuid - The GUID identifying the relationship model.
        p_strNodeGuid - The GUID identifying the start node (source) of the model.
        p_strRecId - The record ID identifying the node's data record.
        p_strChildNodeGuid - The child node (target) which records should be loaded.
        p_iMaxRecordCount - The maximum count of records to be loaded.
        A list of IRelationshipViewRecordItem instances.
        de.uplanet.lucy.server.relationship.RelationshipException - If operation fails.
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive​(String p_strModelGuid,
                                String p_strNodeGuid)
        Returns true, if a relationship model with the given GUID and the node with the given GUID are both active.
        p_strModelGuid - The GUID identifying the relationship model.
        p_strNodeGuid - The GUID identifying the node of the model.
        True, if both model and node are active.