Class ODataLinksCallable

  • @VelocityCallable("singleton")
    public final class ODataLinksCallable
    extends Object
    Callable for managing links (especially for m:n relationships) between OData entities.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ODataLinksCallable

        public ODataLinksCallable()
    • Method Detail

      • createLink

        public void createLink​(String p_strCfgGuid,
                               String p_strServiceGuid,
                               String p_strImpersonationGuid,
                               String p_strSourceDgGuid,
                               String p_strSourceRecId,
                               String p_strTargetNavProperty,
                               String p_strTargetDgGuid,
                               String p_strTargetRecId)
                        throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.odata.ODataException
        Creates a link between two entities.
        p_strCfgGuid - The OData configuration GUID.
        p_strServiceGuid - The OData service GUID.
        p_strImpersonationGuid - Impersonation user GUID or null.
        p_strSourceDgGuid - The source data group GUID.
        p_strSourceRecId - The source record ID.
        p_strTargetNavProperty - The navigation property name.
        p_strTargetDgGuid - The target data group GUID.
        p_strTargetRecId - The target record ID.
      • deleteLink

        public void deleteLink​(String p_strCfgGuid,
                               String p_strServiceGuid,
                               String p_strImpersonationGuid,
                               String p_strSourceDgGuid,
                               String p_strSourceRecId,
                               String p_strTargetNavProperty,
                               String p_strTargetDgGuid,
                               String p_strTargetRecId)
                        throws de.uplanet.lucy.server.odata.ODataException
        Deletes a link between two entities.
        p_strCfgGuid - The OData configuration GUID.
        p_strServiceGuid - The OData service GUID.
        p_strImpersonationGuid - Impersonation user GUID or null.
        p_strSourceDgGuid - The source data group GUID.
        p_strSourceRecId - The source record ID.
        p_strTargetNavProperty - The navigation property name.
        p_strTargetDgGuid - The target data group GUID.
        p_strTargetRecId - The target record ID.