Class LinkCallable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class LinkCallable
    extends Object
    implements de.uplanet.lucy.server.scripting.velocity.ICallableWithVelocityContext
    Creates links.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      LinkCallable​(org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext p_ctx, de.uplanet.lucy.server.rtcache.IRtCacheProvider p_rtCacheProvider, IBinding p_binding)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      LinkCallable cloneWithNewContext​(org.apache.velocity.context.Context p_vc)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getCalendarPluginLink​(String p_strCalendarCtrlGuid, String p_strPluginGuid, String p_strLinkGuid, String p_strLinkType, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.control.calendar.IVCControlAppointment p_appointment, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebDataCollection p_dataCollection)
      Get calendar plugin link blocks (for clicks, doubleclicks, mouseover, click on grouped, mark an appointment) with an additional calendar link block.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getCalendarPluginResourceLink​(String p_strCalendarCtrlGuid, String p_strPluginGuid, String p_strLinkGuid, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.control.calendar.IVCControlGroupTreeItem p_groupTreeItem, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebDataCollection p_dc)
      Get calendar plugin resource link with an additional calendar link block.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebDataCollection p_dataCollection)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.treecontainer.ITreeNode p_treeNode)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid, de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.util.IRecord p_record)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid, String p_strRecId)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid, Map<String,​String> p_additionalArguments)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLinkForRecordId​(IServerBridgeRequest p_request, String p_targetPageGuid, String p_recId)
      Get a link for a given record-ID.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLinkForRecordIdDynamicTarget​(IServerBridgeRequest p_request, IValueHolder<?> p_vhTargetPageGuid, String p_recId)
      Get a link for a given record-ID.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLinkStrict​(String p_strLinkGuid)
      Same as getLink(String) But throws a runtime exception, if no link found for the given GUID.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.auxiliaries.hop.VCLinkTargetInfo getLinkTargetInfo​(String p_strLinkGuid)  
      String getMenuLink​(IMenuItem p_menuItem, String p_strLang, boolean p_setRQLang)  
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.auxiliaries.hop.VCLinkPageInfo getParentContainerReloadLink​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebRecordDataCollection p_dataCollection, String p_pageGuid)
      Get a link for reloading a page.
      de.uplanet.lucy.server.auxiliaries.hop.VCLinkPageInfo getReloadLink​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebRecordDataCollection p_dataCollection, String p_pageGuid)
      Get a link for reloading a page.
      String toMenuJSONString​(IMenuItem p_menuItem, String p_strLang, boolean p_bSetRQLang, String p_strKey)
      Convert the given menu tree to JSON.
      void writeMenuJSON​(Writer p_writer, IMenuItem p_menuItem, String p_strLang, boolean p_bSetRQLang)
      Convert the given menu tree to JSON and write the output to the given character stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinkCallable

        public LinkCallable​(org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext p_ctx,
                            de.uplanet.lucy.server.rtcache.IRtCacheProvider p_rtCacheProvider,
                            IBinding p_binding)
        p_ctx - The velocity context.
        p_rtCacheProvider - The runtime cache provider.
        p_binding - The binding.
    • Method Detail

      • getLinkForRecordId

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLinkForRecordId​(IServerBridgeRequest p_request,
                                                                         String p_targetPageGuid,
                                                                         String p_recId)
        Get a link for a given record-ID.
        p_request - The request.
        p_targetPageGuid - The target page GUID.
        p_recId - The record-ID.
        The link information to retrieve a link URL or null if p_targetPageGuid is null.
      • getLinkForRecordIdDynamicTarget

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLinkForRecordIdDynamicTarget​(IServerBridgeRequest p_request,
                                                                                      IValueHolder<?> p_vhTargetPageGuid,
                                                                                      String p_recId)
        Get a link for a given record-ID.
        p_request - The request.
        p_vhTargetPageGuid - The value holder with target page GUID.
        p_recId - The record-ID.
        The link information to retrieve a link URL or null if p_vhTargetPageGuid is null or not a valid GUID.
      • getLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid)
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID).
        The link information object or null if no link with the given GUID found.
      • getLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                              de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.util.IRecord p_record)
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID)
        The link information object or null if no link with the given GUID found.
      • getLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                              Map<String,​String> p_additionalArguments)
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID).
        p_additionalArguments - Additional arguments.
        The link information object or null if no link with the given GUID found.
      • getLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                              de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebDataCollection p_dataCollection)
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID)
        The link information object or null if no link with the given GUID found.
      • getLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                              de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.treecontainer.ITreeNode p_treeNode)
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID)
        The link information object or null if no link with the given GUID found.
      • getLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLink​(String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                              String p_strRecId)
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID)
        p_strRecId - The record-ID.
        The link information object or null if no link with the given GUID found.
      • getLinkStrict

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getLinkStrict​(String p_strLinkGuid)
        Same as getLink(String) But throws a runtime exception, if no link found for the given GUID.
        p_strLinkGuid - The link GUID (a valid GUID)
        The link information object. If not found an runtime exception will be thrown.
      • getParentContainerReloadLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.auxiliaries.hop.VCLinkPageInfo getParentContainerReloadLink​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebRecordDataCollection p_dataCollection,
                                                                                                  String p_pageGuid)
        Get a link for reloading a page.
        p_dataCollection - The data collection to reload.
        p_pageGuid - The GUID of the page to reload.
        The link page information.
      • getReloadLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.auxiliaries.hop.VCLinkPageInfo getReloadLink​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebRecordDataCollection p_dataCollection,
                                                                                   String p_pageGuid)
        Get a link for reloading a page.
        p_dataCollection - The data collection to reload.
        p_pageGuid - The GUID of the page to reload.
        The link page information.
      • getCalendarPluginLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getCalendarPluginLink​(String p_strCalendarCtrlGuid,
                                                                            String p_strPluginGuid,
                                                                            String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                                            String p_strLinkType,
                                                                            de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.control.calendar.IVCControlAppointment p_appointment,
                                                                            de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebDataCollection p_dataCollection)
        Get calendar plugin link blocks (for clicks, doubleclicks, mouseover, click on grouped, mark an appointment) with an additional calendar link block.
        p_strCalendarCtrlGuid - The calendar control-GUID.
        p_strPluginGuid - The plugin-GUID.
        p_strLinkGuid - The link-GUID (optional, may be null).
        The plugin link informations.
      • getCalendarPluginResourceLink

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.hop.IVCLinkInfo getCalendarPluginResourceLink​(String p_strCalendarCtrlGuid,
                                                                                    String p_strPluginGuid,
                                                                                    String p_strLinkGuid,
                                                                                    de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.control.calendar.IVCControlGroupTreeItem p_groupTreeItem,
                                                                                    de.uplanet.lucy.server.businesslogic.rtappservices.IWebDataCollection p_dc)
        Get calendar plugin resource link with an additional calendar link block.
        p_strCalendarCtrlGuid - The calendar control-GUID.
        p_strPluginGuid - The plugin-GUID.
        p_strLinkGuid - The link-GUID (optional, may be null).
        p_groupTreeItem - The group tree item.
        p_dc - The data collection.
        The plugin link informations.
      • cloneWithNewContext

        public LinkCallable cloneWithNewContext​(org.apache.velocity.context.Context p_vc)
        Specified by:
        cloneWithNewContext in interface de.uplanet.lucy.server.scripting.velocity.ICallableWithVelocityContext
      • getLinkTargetInfo

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.auxiliaries.hop.VCLinkTargetInfo getLinkTargetInfo​(String p_strLinkGuid)
      • writeMenuJSON

        public void writeMenuJSON​(Writer p_writer,
                                  IMenuItem p_menuItem,
                                  String p_strLang,
                                  boolean p_bSetRQLang)
                           throws IOException
        Convert the given menu tree to JSON and write the output to the given character stream.

        Note: This method is not intended to be part of the public Intrexx API. The JSON format may change at any time.

        p_writer - The writer object.
        p_menuItem - The menu tree.
        p_strLang - The language
        p_bSetRQLang - true if the rq_lang query parameter should be added to an link otherwise should be false.
        IOException - If an I/O error occurred.
      • getMenuLink

        public String getMenuLink​(IMenuItem p_menuItem,
                                  String p_strLang,
                                  boolean p_setRQLang)
      • toMenuJSONString

        public String toMenuJSONString​(IMenuItem p_menuItem,
                                       String p_strLang,
                                       boolean p_bSetRQLang,
                                       String p_strKey)
        Convert the given menu tree to JSON.

        Note: This method is not intended to be part of the public Intrexx API. The JSON format may change at any time.

        p_menuItem - The menu tree.
        p_strLang - The language.
        p_bSetRQLang - Should be true if rq_lang should be set on a link otherwise false.
        p_strKey - The key into the menu structure (currently "mobile" or "desktop").
        The intrexx menu JSON structure representation (for use in an java script block).