Class UriUtil

  • @VelocityVariable("UriUtil")
    public final class UriUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • UriUtil

        public UriUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • makeIxRootRelativePath

        public String makeIxRootRelativePath​(String p_strPath)
        Converts an relative web path to an Intrexx root relative path. Used for compatibility between Intrexx 20.3 and Intrexx Version before 20.3. Before Intrexx 20.3 root paths: images/... From Intrexx 20.3 root paths: /images/...
        p_strPath - The path.
        Returns the given path. If the path not started with an slash or dot the path will returned with an slash as beginning otherwise the given path is returned.
      • makeAbsoluteOrIxRootRelativePath

        public String makeAbsoluteOrIxRootRelativePath​(String p_strPath)
        Converts an relative web path to an Intrexx root relative path. Used for compatibility between Intrexx 20.3 and Intrexx Version before 20.3. Before Intrexx 20.3 root paths: images/... From Intrexx 20.3 root paths: /images/...
        p_strPath - The path.
        Returns the given path. If the path not started with an slash or dot the path will returned with an slash as beginning otherwise the given path is returned.
      • isSafeWebUrl

        public boolean isSafeWebUrl​(String p_strUrl)
        Calls isSafeWebUrl(String, boolean) with the second parameter set to false to disallow single quotes in the URL.
        p_strUrl - The URL.
        true if the URL is considered safe, or false otherwise.
      • isSafeWebUrl

        public boolean isSafeWebUrl​(String p_strUrl,
                                    boolean p_bAllowSingleQuotes)
        Check if the given URL is a safe URL in Intrexx' sense.

        The URL must meet the following conditions to be considered a safe Web ULR:

        • The URL must only contain characters allowed by the spec (
        • The URL must not contain numeric or named HTML character references.
        • The scheme must be either http, or https, or ftp, or the URL must be a relative URL.
        • If the URL is absolute it must have an authority part.
        • If the URL is relative it must not have an authority part.

        p_strUrl - The URL.
        p_bAllowSingleQuotes - true if single quotes are allowed to occur in the attribute value, or false otherwise.
        true if the URL is considered safe, or false otherwise.
      • parseUri

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.util.URI parseUri​(String p_strUri)
                                                 throws URISyntaxException
        Create an URI from the given string.
        p_strUri - The string to be parsed.
        The URI.
        URISyntaxException - If a parsing error occurred.
      • createRequestUri

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.util.URI createRequestUri​(IServerBridgeRequest p_request)
                                                         throws URISyntaxException
        Create the request URI from value given in the request-line of the given request.
        p_request - The request.
        The request URI.
        URISyntaxException - If a parsing error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - If the given request does not contain a REQUEST_URI server variable.
      • createRequestUri

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.util.URI createRequestUri​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.connector.IRequestProcessingContext p_ctx)
                                                         throws URISyntaxException
        Create the request URI from value given in the request-line of the given request.
        p_ctx - The request processing context.
        The request URI.
        URISyntaxException - If a parsing error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - If the given request does not contain a REQUEST_URI server variable.
        See Also:
      • createAbsoluteRequestUri

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.util.URI createAbsoluteRequestUri​(IServerBridgeRequest p_request)
                                                                 throws URISyntaxException
        Create the absolute request URI from the scheme, host, and the request URI given in the request-line of the given request.
        p_request - The request.
        The request URI.
        IllegalStateException - If the given request does not contain a SCHEME, HTTP_HOST, and REQUEST_URI server variable.
        URISyntaxException - If a parsing error occurred.
      • createAbsoluteRequestUri

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.util.URI createAbsoluteRequestUri​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.connector.IRequestProcessingContext p_ctx)
                                                                 throws URISyntaxException
        Create the absolute request URI from the scheme, host, and the request URI given in the request-line of the given request.
        p_ctx - The request processing context.
        The absolute request URI.
        IllegalStateException - If the given request does not contain a SCHEME, HTTP_HOST, and REQUEST_URI server variable.
        URISyntaxException - If a parsing error occurred.
        See Also:
      • createAbsoluteBaseUrl

        public de.uplanet.lucy.server.util.URI createAbsoluteBaseUrl()
                                                              throws URISyntaxException
        Create an absolute base URL from the given portal configuration.

        Normally, the URL is configured in the internal/cfg/portal.cfg configuration file as the /portal/uris/uri[@name='web.url.base.default'] parameter.

        The base directory URL, or null if the base URL has not been configured yet. In the latter case an error is written to the portal log.
        URISyntaxException - If a parsing error occurred.