Class TickerManager

  • @VelocityCallable("singleton")
    public final class TickerManager
    extends Object
    Velocity context class to access an RssProvider.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PROP_TIME_TO_LIVE
        Time-to-live property urn:schemas-unitedplanet-de:portlet:ticker:ttl.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROP_TICKER_URL
        Ticker-URL property urn:schemas-unitedplanet-de:portlet:ticker:url.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROP_TRANSFORM
        Transformation property urn:schemas-unitedplanet-de:portlet:ticker:transform.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROP_TRANSFORM_PARAMS
        Transformation property urn:schemas-unitedplanet-de:portlet:ticker:transform:parameters.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TickerManager

        public TickerManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getTickerContent

        public String getTickerContent​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.portlet.velocity.IVelocityPortlet p_portlet,
                                       String p_strParam,
                                       Object p_oValue)
        Get the content of a ticker that is associated with a portlet.
        p_portlet - The ticker portlet.
        p_strParam - The name of the transformation parameter.
        p_oValue - The value of the transformation parameter.
        The ticker content.
      • getTickerContent

        public String getTickerContent​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.portlet.velocity.IVelocityPortlet p_portlet,
                                       List<Object> p_params)
        Get the content of a ticker that is associated with a portlet.
        p_portlet - The ticker portlet.
        p_params - The transformation parameters as a list of alternating names and values .
        The ticker content.
      • getTickerContent

        public String getTickerContent​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.portlet.velocity.IVelocityPortlet p_portlet,
                                       Object[] p_params)
        Get the content of a ticker that is associated with a portlet.
        p_portlet - The ticker portlet.
        p_params - The transformation parameters as alternating names and values.
        The ticker content.
      • getTickerContent

        public String getTickerContent​(String p_strUrl,
                                       String p_strTransform,
                                       int p_lTimeToLive,
                                       String p_strParam,
                                       Object p_oValue)
        Get the content of a ticker.
        p_strUrl - The ticker URL.
        p_strTransform - The transformation to be used.
        p_lTimeToLive - The time for which the transformed content should be cached.
        p_strParam - The name of the transformation parameter.
        p_oValue - The value of the transformation parameter.
        The transformed content.
      • getTickerContent

        public String getTickerContent​(String p_strUrl,
                                       String p_strTransform,
                                       int p_lTimeToLive,
                                       List<Object> p_params)
        Get the content of a ticker.
        p_strUrl - The ticker URL.
        p_strTransform - The transformation to be used.
        p_lTimeToLive - The time for which the transformed content should be cached.
        p_params - The transformation parameters as a list of alternating names and values .
        The transformed content.
      • getTickerContent

        public String getTickerContent​(String p_strUrl,
                                       String p_strTransform,
                                       int p_lTimeToLive,
                                       Object[] p_params)
        Get the content of a ticker.
        p_strUrl - The ticker URL.
        p_strTransform - The transformation to be used.
        p_lTimeToLive - The time for which the transformed content should be cached.
        p_params - The transformation parameters as alternating names and values .
        The transformed content.