Class TanCallable

  • @VelocityVariable("Tan")
    public final class TanCallable
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • TanCallable

        public TanCallable()
    • Method Detail

      • hasContextTan

        public boolean hasContextTan​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.IProcessingContext p_ctx)
        Check if the processing context contains a transaction number.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        true if the processing context contains a transaction number, or false otherwise.
      • getContextTan

        public String getContextTan​(de.uplanet.lucy.server.IProcessingContext p_ctx)
        Get the transaction number from the processing context.
        p_ctx - The processing context.
        The transaction number, or null if the processing context does not contain a transaction number.
      • createTan

        public String createTan​(ISession p_session)
        Create a transaction number in the scope of the given session.
        p_session - The session.
        A new transaction number.
      • isValidTan

        public boolean isValidTan​(ISession p_session,
                                  String p_strTan)
        Check if the given transaction number is valid in the scope of the given session.
        p_session - The session.
        true if the given transaction number is valid, or false otherwise.
      • invalidateTan

        public void invalidateTan​(ISession p_session,
                                  String p_strTan)
        Invalidate the given transaction number in the scope of the given session.
        p_session - The session.
        p_strTan - The transaction number to be invalidated.
      • invalidateTanAtCommitTransaction

        public void invalidateTanAtCommitTransaction​(ISession p_session,
                                                     String p_strTan)
        Invalidate the given transaction number in the scope of the given session when the transaction is committed.

        It is not an error if the given transaction number is not in the scope of the given session when the transaction is committed.

        p_session - The session.
        p_strTan - The transaction number to be invalidated.