Class Gallery

  • @VelocityCallable("singleton")
    public final class Gallery
    extends Object Load an image, scale it down and save it as a JPEG file.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String buildGallery​(String p_strType, String p_strUploadTyp, String p_strGalleryDG, String p_strImgDG, String p_strFilename, String p_strSrcPath, String p_strGalleryName, int p_iGalLid)
      Method to build up a new Gallery, method calls are depending on filetype - CopyUploadImage(if img) - ExtractArchive(if zip) - DelFile(if neither zip nor img)
      String copyUploadImage​(String p_strImgDG, String p_strFilename, String p_strFileSrc, String p_strDirDst, int p_iGalLid)
      Method to copy an uploaded image in the right folder and insert the data in the ImageDG
      void delDirectory​(String p_strFolderName)
      Deletes the gallery specific directory and all images included
      void delFileDB​(int p_iFileLid, String p_strFileDG)
      Method to delete a record from the datagroup where uploaded files are stored
      boolean delImages​(String p_strImgDG, String p_strGalleryName, int p_iGalId, String p_strDelImgs)
      Method to delete images, received from a vm, all checked images in the listview.
      String extractArchive​(String p_strImgDG, File p_fileArchive, File p_dirDest, int p_iGalLid)
      Method to extract a Zip-File and insert the data in the database at the same time The Zip-File is deleted afterwards
      Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer,​String>> getFileList​(String p_strGalleryDG, String p_strImgDG, int p_iGalleryId)
      Method to return a map of images back to the vm, to realize the browsing through the images
      boolean rotate​(String p_strImgDG, String p_strGalleryName, int p_iImgId, String p_strDirection)
      Method to rotate an image, calls more methods
      boolean rotateImages​(String p_strImgDG, int p_iGalleryId, int p_iAngle, String p_strGalleryName, String p_strImageName)
      Method to rotate all images, original,preview,thumg,detail, calls other method if keeporiginal = true, then rotate original, and scale it down
      boolean rotateImg​(int p_iAngle, String p_strImagePath, float p_fComp)
      Method to rotate single image, original,preview,thumg,detail, calls other method
      void scaleGallery​(String p_strNewImages, String p_strFolderName, String p_strGalleryDG, String p_strImageDG, int p_iGalleryId)
      Method to scale all images in a gallery
      void updFileDB​(int p_iGalLid, String p_strGalleryDG)
      Method to update a record from the Gallery datagroup FILE_DATEIAUSWAHL Key has to be deleted after deleting the related record in the upload file datagroup
    • Constructor Detail

      • Gallery

        public Gallery()
    • Method Detail

      • extractArchive

        public String extractArchive​(String p_strImgDG,
                                     File p_fileArchive,
                                     File p_dirDest,
                                     int p_iGalLid)
        Method to extract a Zip-File and insert the data in the database at the same time The Zip-File is deleted afterwards
        p_strImgDG - Tablename of image table
        p_fileArchive - Zip Source File
        p_dirDest - Destination where the files in the Zip-File are copied to
        p_iGalLid - LID of the gallery in the gallery table.
      • copyUploadImage

        public String copyUploadImage​(String p_strImgDG,
                                      String p_strFilename,
                                      String p_strFileSrc,
                                      String p_strDirDst,
                                      int p_iGalLid)
                               throws SQLException,
        Method to copy an uploaded image in the right folder and insert the data in the ImageDG
        p_strImgDG - Name of image table.
        p_strFilename - Name of the file.
        p_strFileSrc - Sourcepath of the file.
        p_strDirDst - Destination path of the file.
        p_iGalLid - LID of the gallery in the Gallerytable
      • buildGallery

        public String buildGallery​(String p_strType,
                                   String p_strUploadTyp,
                                   String p_strGalleryDG,
                                   String p_strImgDG,
                                   String p_strFilename,
                                   String p_strSrcPath,
                                   String p_strGalleryName,
                                   int p_iGalLid)
                            throws SQLException,
        Method to build up a new Gallery, method calls are depending on filetype - CopyUploadImage(if img) - ExtractArchive(if zip) - DelFile(if neither zip nor img)
        p_strType - defines what kind of upload: new or update
        p_strUploadTyp - defines what kind of file is being uploaded: jpg or zip
        p_strGalleryDG - Datagroup for Galleries
        p_strImgDG - Datagroup for Images
        p_strFilename - Name of the File
        p_strSrcPath - Sourcepath of the File
        p_strGalleryName - Name of the Gallery
        p_iGalLid - LID of the Gallery in the Gallerytable
      • delDirectory

        public void delDirectory​(String p_strFolderName)
        Deletes the gallery specific directory and all images included
        p_strFolderName - The name of the directory to delete
      • delFileDB

        public void delFileDB​(int p_iFileLid,
                              String p_strFileDG)
                       throws SQLException
        Method to delete a record from the datagroup where uploaded files are stored
        p_iFileLid - Id of the file to delete.
        p_strFileDG - Name of the file to delete.
      • updFileDB

        public void updFileDB​(int p_iGalLid,
                              String p_strGalleryDG)
                       throws SQLException
        Method to update a record from the Gallery datagroup FILE_DATEIAUSWAHL Key has to be deleted after deleting the related record in the upload file datagroup
        p_iGalLid - Id of the gallery to update
        p_strGalleryDG - Name of the gallery to update
      • scaleGallery

        public void scaleGallery​(String p_strNewImages,
                                 String p_strFolderName,
                                 String p_strGalleryDG,
                                 String p_strImageDG,
                                 int p_iGalleryId)
                          throws Exception
        Method to scale all images in a gallery
        p_strNewImages - String including all id's of the images to scale
        p_strFolderName - Name of the folder of the gallery
        p_strGalleryDG - Datagroup of the galleries
        p_strImageDG - Name of the image datagroup
        p_iGalleryId - Id of the gallery
      • getFileList

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer,​String>> getFileList​(String p_strGalleryDG,
                                                                     String p_strImgDG,
                                                                     int p_iGalleryId)
                                                              throws SQLException
        Method to return a map of images back to the vm, to realize the browsing through the images
        p_strGalleryDG - Datagroup of the galleries
        p_strImgDG - Datagroup of the images
        p_iGalleryId - Id of the gallery
        A map of images.
      • rotate

        public boolean rotate​(String p_strImgDG,
                              String p_strGalleryName,
                              int p_iImgId,
                              String p_strDirection)
                       throws SQLException,
        Method to rotate an image, calls more methods
        p_strImgDG - Datagroup of the images
        p_strGalleryName - Name of the gallery
        p_iImgId - Id of the image to rotate
        p_strDirection - Direction of the rotation: left,right, always 90degrees
        True, if no errors during rotation, else false.
      • rotateImages

        public boolean rotateImages​(String p_strImgDG,
                                    int p_iGalleryId,
                                    int p_iAngle,
                                    String p_strGalleryName,
                                    String p_strImageName)
                             throws SQLException,
        Method to rotate all images, original,preview,thumg,detail, calls other method if keeporiginal = true, then rotate original, and scale it down
        p_strImgDG - Datagroup of the images
        p_iGalleryId - Id of the gallery
        p_iAngle - degrees to rotate: 90,-90
        p_strGalleryName - Name of the gallery
        p_strImageName - Name of the image
        True, if no errors during rotation.
      • rotateImg

        public boolean rotateImg​(int p_iAngle,
                                 String p_strImagePath,
                                 float p_fComp)
        Method to rotate single image, original,preview,thumg,detail, calls other method
        p_iAngle - degrees to rotate: 90,-90
        p_strImagePath - Fullqualified path to the image to rotate
        p_fComp - Compression ratio
        True, if no errors during rotation.
      • delImages

        public boolean delImages​(String p_strImgDG,
                                 String p_strGalleryName,
                                 int p_iGalId,
                                 String p_strDelImgs)
                          throws SQLException
        Method to delete images, received from a vm, all checked images in the listview. Deletes the images from the image datagroup and calls method to delete images from filesystem
        p_strImgDG - Name of the image datagroup
        p_strGalleryName - Name of the gallery
        p_iGalId - Id of the gallery
        p_strDelImgs - String containing all IDs of the images to delete
        True, if deletion worked withour errors.