Class FileLocator

  • @VelocityCallable("singleton")
    public final class FileLocator
    extends Object
    Used to locate files in a hierarchy.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileLocator

        public FileLocator()
    • Method Detail

      • locate

        public String locate​(String p_strBasePath,
                             String p_strSubDir,
                             String p_strFileName)
        Test if a file exists in the specified subdirectory.

        Directory path may or may not end with a trailing slash.

        p_strBasePath - The base path.
        p_strSubDir - The subdirectory to look for the file.
        p_strFileName - The file to locate.
        p_strBasePath + p_strSubDir + p_strFileName if this file exists, p_strBasePath + p_strFileName otherwise.
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(String p_strPath,
                              String p_strFileName)