Interface IWorkflowCondition

All Superinterfaces:
IActivatableWorkflowObject, IWorkflowObject, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractWorkflowCondition, ApplicationApiRequestWorkflowCondition, CheckPermissionWorkflowCondition, GroovyScriptWorkflowCondition, ListingWorkflowCondition, RandomWorkflowCondition, StandardWorkflowCondition, TransactedAcquireLockWorkflowCondition

public interface IWorkflowCondition extends IWorkflowObject, IActivatableWorkflowObject
This is the interface for workflow condition.

Classes that implement this interface should have the WorkflowCondition name suffix.

Intrexx 5.0.
  • Method Details

    • getAfferentTransition

      WorkflowTransition getAfferentTransition()
      Get the afferent transition of this workflow condition.
      The afferent transition (this is normally not null).
    • setAfferentTransition

      void setAfferentTransition(WorkflowTransition p_wfTransition)
      Set the afferent transition of this workflow condition.
      p_wfTransition - The afferent transition to be set.
    • getEfferentTransitions

      WorkflowTransition[] getEfferentTransitions()
      Get the efferent transition of this workflow condition.
      The efferent transitions, or an empty array.
    • setEfferentTransitions

      void setEfferentTransitions(WorkflowTransition[] p_efferents) throws InvalidStructureWorkflowException
      Set the efferent transition of this workflow condition.
      p_efferents - The efferent transitions to be set.
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Check if this workflow condition is active or inactive.

      See process(IWorkflowEvent, IWorkflowProcessingContext, IProcessingContext) for the general contract of the activation state.

      Specified by:
      isActive in interface IActivatableWorkflowObject
      The activation state of this workflow condition.
    • setActive

      void setActive(boolean p_bActive)
      Set this workflow condition active or inactive.

      See process(IWorkflowEvent, IWorkflowProcessingContext, IProcessingContext) for the general contract of the activation state.

      Specified by:
      setActive in interface IActivatableWorkflowObject
      p_bActive - The new activation state to be set.
    • process

      WorkflowTransition[] process(IWorkflowEvent p_evt, de.uplanet.lucy.server.workflow.IWorkflowProcessingContext p_wfCtx, de.uplanet.lucy.server.IProcessingContext p_ctx) throws InterruptedException, Exception
      Process a workflow event in the given context.

      The workflow engine will follow the resulting transitions in the order they were returned in the array.

      Normally, a workflow condition should return null or an empty array if it is not active.

      p_evt - The event to be processed.
      p_wfCtx - The workflow processing context.
      p_ctx - The processing context.
      The efferent transitions, or an empty array, or null.
      InterruptedException - If processing of this condition has been interrupted.
      Exception - If an error occurred.