Class AbstractSharePushNotificationWorkflowAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
IActivatableWorkflowObject, ILogLevelAware, INamedWorkflowObject, INeedWorkflow, IWorkflowAction, IWorkflowObject, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ShareFrequencyPushNotificationWorkflowAction, ShareImmediatelyPushNotificationWorkflowAction

public abstract class AbstractSharePushNotificationWorkflowAction extends AbstractWorkflowAction implements ILogLevelAware
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSharePushNotificationWorkflowAction

      public AbstractSharePushNotificationWorkflowAction(String p_strGuid)
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(String p_strTitle)
    • getPortalName

      public String getPortalName()
    • setPortalName

      public void setPortalName(String p_strPortalName)
    • getTimeToLive

      public long getTimeToLive()
    • setTimeToLive

      public void setTimeToLive(long p_lTimeToLive)
    • getCollapseKey

      public String getCollapseKey()
    • setCollapseKey

      public void setCollapseKey(String p_strCollapseKey)
    • isUseTransaction

      public boolean isUseTransaction()
      This property specifies whether or not pushing a message should be part of the current transaction or not.

      If true this implies asynchronous sending.

      true if pushing a message should be part of the current transaction, or false otherwise.
    • setUseTransaction

      public void setUseTransaction(boolean p_bUseTransaction)
      This property specifies whether or not pushing a message should be part of the current transaction or not.

      If true this implies asynchronous sending.

      p_bUseTransaction - true if pushing a message should be part of the current transaction, or false otherwise.
    • isPushAsynchronous

      public boolean isPushAsynchronous()
      This property specifies whether or not messages should be pushed asynchronously if possible.

      If transactions are used or the message to be sent has multiple recipients, this property is ignored.

      true if messages should be pushed asynchronously, or false otherwise.
    • setPushAsynchronous

      public void setPushAsynchronous(boolean p_bPushAsynchronous)
      This property specifies whether or not messages should be pushed asynchronously if possible.

      If transactions are used or the message to be sent has multiple recipients, this property is ignored.

      p_bPushAsynchronous - true if messages should be pushed asynchronously, or false otherwise.
    • isDryRun

      public boolean isDryRun()
    • setDryRun

      public void setDryRun(boolean p_bDryRun)
    • isLogVerbose

      public boolean isLogVerbose()
      Description copied from interface: ILogLevelAware
      This flag determines if verbose logging is turned on or off.
      Specified by:
      isLogVerbose in interface ILogLevelAware
      true if logging is verbose, or false otherwise.
    • setLogVerbose

      public void setLogVerbose(boolean p_bLogVerbose)
      Description copied from interface: ILogLevelAware
      This flag determines if verbose logging is turned on or off.
      Specified by:
      setLogVerbose in interface ILogLevelAware
      p_bLogVerbose - true if logging should be verbose, or false otherwise.
    • process

      public WorkflowTransition process(IWorkflowEvent p_evt, de.uplanet.lucy.server.workflow.IWorkflowProcessingContext p_wfCtx, de.uplanet.lucy.server.IProcessingContext p_ctx) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: IWorkflowAction
      Process a workflow event in the given context.

      Normally, a workflow action should return its efferent transition, regardless whether it is active, or not.

      Specified by:
      process in interface IWorkflowAction
      p_evt - The event to be processed.
      p_wfCtx - The workflow processing context.
      p_ctx - The processing context.
      The efferent transition, or null.
      Exception - If an error occurred.