Class AbstractPluginFeedWorkflowAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
IActivatableWorkflowObject, INamedWorkflowObject, INeedWorkflow, IWorkflowAction, IWorkflowObject, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CreatePluginFeedWorkflowAction, DeletePluginFeedWorkflowAction, MergePluginFeedWorkflowAction, UpdatePluginFeedWorkflowAction

public abstract class AbstractPluginFeedWorkflowAction extends AbstractWorkflowAction
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPluginFeedWorkflowAction

      public AbstractPluginFeedWorkflowAction(String p_strGuid)
  • Method Details

    • getPluginGuid

      public String getPluginGuid()
    • setPluginGuid

      public void setPluginGuid(String p_strPluginGuid)
    • getSourceDataGroupGuid

      public String getSourceDataGroupGuid()
    • setSourceDataGroupGuid

      public void setSourceDataGroupGuid(String p_strDataGroupGuid)
    • getMappingGuid

      public String getMappingGuid()
    • setMappingGuid

      public void setMappingGuid(String p_strMappingGuid)
    • getFeedConfigurationErrorMode

      public ON_ERROR_MODE getFeedConfigurationErrorMode()
      This property determines if an exception should be thrown if the feed action configuration is invalid.
      The error handling mode.
    • setFeedConfigurationErrorMode

      public void setFeedConfigurationErrorMode(ON_ERROR_MODE p_onErrorMode)
      This property determines if an exception should be thrown if the feed action configuration is invalid.
      p_onErrorMode - The error mode to be used. May be either ON_ERROR_MODE.THROW_EXCEPTION, or ON_ERROR_MODE.NO_ACTION.
    • getFeedCreationErrorMode

      public ON_ERROR_MODE getFeedCreationErrorMode()
      This property determines if an exception should be thrown if the feed creation failed for some reason.
      The error handling mode.
    • setFeedCreationErrorMode

      public void setFeedCreationErrorMode(ON_ERROR_MODE p_onErrorMode)
      This property determines if an exception should be thrown if the feed creation failed for some reason.
      p_onErrorMode - The error mode to be used. May be either ON_ERROR_MODE.THROW_EXCEPTION, or ON_ERROR_MODE.NO_ACTION.
    • process

      public WorkflowTransition process(IWorkflowEvent p_evt, de.uplanet.lucy.server.workflow.IWorkflowProcessingContext p_wfCtx, de.uplanet.lucy.server.IProcessingContext p_ctx) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: IWorkflowAction
      Process a workflow event in the given context.

      Normally, a workflow action should return its efferent transition, regardless whether it is active, or not.

      p_evt - The event to be processed.
      p_wfCtx - The workflow processing context.
      p_ctx - The processing context.
      The efferent transition, or null.
      Exception - If an error occurred.