Class PushNotificationWorkflowAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
IActivatableWorkflowObject, ILogLevelAware, INamedWorkflowObject, INeedWorkflow, INeedWorkflowDirectory, IWorkflowAction, IWorkflowObject, Serializable

public final class PushNotificationWorkflowAction extends AbstractWorkflowAction implements ILogLevelAware, INeedWorkflowDirectory
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PushNotificationWorkflowAction

      public PushNotificationWorkflowAction(String p_strGuid)
  • Method Details

    • getWorkflowDirectory

      public Path getWorkflowDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: INeedWorkflowDirectory
      Get the workflow directory.
      Specified by:
      getWorkflowDirectory in interface INeedWorkflowDirectory
      The workflow directory.
    • setWorkflowDirectory

      public void setWorkflowDirectory(Path p_dir)
      Description copied from interface: INeedWorkflowDirectory
      Set the workflow directory.
      Specified by:
      setWorkflowDirectory in interface INeedWorkflowDirectory
      p_dir - The workflow directory.
    • getSender

      public getSender()
    • setSender

      public void setSender( p_senderCfg)
    • getRecipients

      public getRecipients()
    • setRecipients

      public void setRecipients( p_recipientCfg)
    • getTitle

      public getTitle()
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle( p_titleCfg)
    • getBody

      public getBody()
    • setBody

      public void setBody( p_bodyCfg)
    • getLinkMobile

      public getLinkMobile()
    • setLinkMobile

      public void setLinkMobile( p_linkMobileCfg)
    • getLinkDesktop

      public getLinkDesktop()
    • setLinkDesktop

      public void setLinkDesktop( p_linkDesktopCfg)
    • getPortalName

      public String getPortalName()
    • setPortalName

      public void setPortalName(String p_strPortalName)
    • getTimeToLive

      public long getTimeToLive()
    • setTimeToLive

      public void setTimeToLive(long p_lTimeToLive)
    • isUseTransaction

      public boolean isUseTransaction()
      This property specifies whether or not pushing a message should be part of the current transaction or not.

      If true this implies asynchronous sending.

      true if pushing a message should be part of the current transaction, or false otherwise.
    • setUseTransaction

      public void setUseTransaction(boolean p_bUseTransaction)
      This property specifies whether or not pushing a message should be part of the current transaction or not.

      If true this implies asynchronous sending.

      p_bUseTransaction - true if pushing a message should be part of the current transaction, or false otherwise.
    • isPushAsynchronous

      public boolean isPushAsynchronous()
      This property specifies whether or messages should be pushed asynchronously.
      true if messages should be pushed asynchronously, or false otherwise.
    • setPushAsynchronous

      public void setPushAsynchronous(boolean p_bPushAsynchronous)
      This property specifies whether or messages should be pushed asynchronously.
      p_bPushAsynchronous - true if messages should be pushed asynchronously, or false otherwise.
    • isDryRun

      public boolean isDryRun()
    • setDryRun

      public void setDryRun(boolean p_bDryRun)
    • isLogVerbose

      public boolean isLogVerbose()
      Description copied from interface: ILogLevelAware
      This flag determines if verbose logging is turned on or off.
      Specified by:
      isLogVerbose in interface ILogLevelAware
      true if logging is verbose, or false otherwise.
    • setLogVerbose

      public void setLogVerbose(boolean p_bLogVerbose)
      Description copied from interface: ILogLevelAware
      This flag determines if verbose logging is turned on or off.
      Specified by:
      setLogVerbose in interface ILogLevelAware
      p_bLogVerbose - true if logging should be verbose, or false otherwise.
    • process

      public WorkflowTransition process(IWorkflowEvent p_evt, de.uplanet.lucy.server.workflow.IWorkflowProcessingContext p_wfCtx, de.uplanet.lucy.server.IProcessingContext p_ctx) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: IWorkflowAction
      Process a workflow event in the given context.

      Normally, a workflow action should return its efferent transition, regardless whether it is active, or not.

      Specified by:
      process in interface IWorkflowAction
      p_evt - The event to be processed.
      p_wfCtx - The workflow processing context.
      p_ctx - The processing context.
      The efferent transition, or null.
      Exception - If an error occurred.