baseColor: CSSResult[] = ...

Base parts for customizing colors of the control.

Css Properties

  • --base__accent-primary__color - Primary accent color to style some parts like (header/footer/etc.)
  • --base__accent-secondary__color - Secondary accent color to style some parts like (header/footer/etc.)
  • --base__background__color--hover - The background color of the control (hover/focus)
  • --base__background__color--readonly - The background color of the view-control
  • --base__background__color - The background color of the control
  • --base__border__color--hover - The border color of the control (hover/focus)
  • --base__border__color - The border color of the control
  • --base__invalid__color - The color that indicates the invalid status of the control
  • --base__mark__color - The highlight-color (when filtering the list)
  • --base__placeholder__color - The color of the placeholder when the control and the filter field is empty
  • --base__required__color - The color that indicates the required status of the control
  • --base__tags__color - The font color of the tags
  • --base__text__color - The font color of the control