Interface IOffice365OneDriveServiceGroovy

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Scriptable public interface IOffice365OneDriveServiceGroovy
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getFolderContent Link icon

      List<DriveItem> getFolderContent(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_folderId)
      Returns folder item instances.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_folderId - The folder ID.
      A list of drive items.
    • getDriveItemMetadata Link icon

      DriveItem getDriveItemMetadata(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId)
      Returns the metda data of the given drive item.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      The meta data of the given drive item.
    • createFolder Link icon

      DriveItem createFolder(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId, String p_folderName)
      Create a new folder in the given folder with the given folder name.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      p_folderName - The name of the new folder.
      The created folder.
    • getPermissions Link icon

      List<Permission> getPermissions(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId)
      Returns a list of permissions of the given drive item.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      A list of the drive item's permissions.
    • addPermission Link icon

      List<Permission> addPermission(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId, PermissionRequest p_permissionRequest)
      Add a permission to the given drive item.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      p_permissionRequest - The permisson request containing all information about the permission, which should be created.
      A list of the drive item's permissions.
    • createShareLink Link icon

      SharingLink createShareLink(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId)
      Create a link to share the given drive item.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      The created sharing link.
    • updatePermission Link icon

      Permission updatePermission(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId, String p_permissionId, String[] p_roles)
      Update a permission or rather configure the roles of an existing permission.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      p_permissionId - The ID of the permission, which should be updated.
      p_roles - A list of roles to set in the permission.
      The updated permission.
    • getPermission Link icon

      Permission getPermission(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid, String p_driveId, String p_itemId, String p_permissionId)
      Get the information about an existing permission.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      p_driveId - The drive ID.
      p_itemId - The folder ID.
      p_permissionId - The permission ID.
      The requested permission.
    • getConfigurationGuid Link icon

      String getConfigurationGuid(String p_strCfgId)
      Returns the internal configuration GUID for the given configuration ID. The configuration GUID is required for using non-scriptable connector classes.
      p_strCfgId - The configuration ID (connector-id + "_" + configuration-name).
      The internal configuration GUID.
    • createODataClient Link icon

      org.apache.olingo.client.api.ODataClient createODataClient(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid)
      Returns the ODataClient instance for the given configuration ID. Can be used for direct OData calls to MS Office365.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      The OData client.
    • createHttpClient Link icon

      org.apache.http.client.HttpClient createHttpClient(String p_strCfgId, String p_strImpersonationGuid)
      Returns the HttpClient instance for the given configuration ID. Can be used for raw HTTP calls to MS Office365.
      p_strCfgId - The connector configuration ID (name of the configuration XML file).
      p_strImpersonationGuid - If null, runs in current user context, otherwise in context of the given static user GUID which must be defined in the connector configuration.
      The OData client.