All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for delegating PrintWriters.
Base class for filters that implements some default behaviour.
Note: Do not declare variables of this type in scripts.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after a data group record has been created.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after a data group record has been updated.
This hostname verifier verifies all hostnames.
This trust manager trusts all certificates.
Filter by applications by GUIDs.
A filter for messages that belong or do not belong to an application.
Use AppGuidFilter instead.
Use AppGuidNullFilter instead.
Information about applications.
Information about application menu items.
Order messages by application GUID and creation time.
Base64 encoding as described in RFC 2045 section 6.8.
Base64 encoding as described in RFC 2045 section 6.8.
Base64 encoding as described in RFC 2045 section 6.8.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent before a data group record is being deleted.
Note: This class is intended to be used in scripting environments.
This class represents a data/time value as both a java.sql.Timestamp and as a IDateTimeValueHolder.
Helper class to get the thread context's action queue.
Helper class to get the thread context's database connection.
Removed Methods on major Release 9 DEFAULT_TYPE getDefaultType() String getDefault() CONTROL_TYPE getReferredControlType()
Order messages by their creation timestamp.
Wrap cscript child processes.
Information about data groups.
This class provides a database API that is intended to be used in scripting environments.
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
The IO operation may be done before requestCommit is called, on a call of the process method.
Information class for a ds class object
Permission to controll access to or to control instantiation of DS class objects.
Iterate over the given container node and all it's subnodes in depth-first order.
Iterate over the given node and all it's ancestor nodes.
Constants used by the RT classes (RtDataGroupUser...)
Iterate over a set and all sets the given set is member of.
Recursively iterate over the given set and all it's member sets.
Utility class for MS Exchange appointments.
Utility class providing connections to MS Exchange server.
Provides information about a user's Exchange folder.
Utility class for MS Exchange items.
Utility class for working with an Exchange user's mailbox.
Utility class for Exchange messages.
Provides information about an user's Exchange mailbox account.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that return MS Exchange utility/scriptable objects.
Wrap child processes.
Information about data fields.
Note: This class is intended to be used in scripting environments.
Please use in Groovy scripts g_dgFile (GroovyDGFileHelper)
Holds information about a file.
Note: This processing context is not thread-safe.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent from a free timer.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent by a timer to notify about a data group record.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent from a global timer.
Groovy calendar plugin information.
Groovy calendar runtime cache, providing a thin layer to the underlying delegate.
This class implements the IFilter interface as a Groovy closure.
Helper class for groovy, to handle intrexx data group files.
A logger to be used in Groovy bindings.
Parse statistics logs with Groovy.
In a workflow environment: g_parameter
Groovy callable class for searches.
Groovy tagging-DAO.
A user wrapper class for Groovy scripting.
This class represents global universal IDs.
A parser that extracts Intrexx GUIDs from arbitrary text.
Utility class for hex encoding and decoding.
This exception corresponds to the HTTP 400 status code.
This exception corresponds to the HTTP 403 status code.
This exception corresponds to the HTTP 405 status code.
This exception corresponds to the HTTP 404 status code.
This exception corresponds to the HTTP 416 status code.
This exception corresponds to the HTTP 401 status code.
Marker interface for events that are being sent after a workflow event source has been stopped.
Provides information about an attachment.
Marker interface for events that are being sent before a workflow event source starts working.
A closeable class may implement this interface.
Events that signal a change in configuration settings should implement this interface.
This interface is implemented by processing contexts that provide a system database connection.
Interface for the Data part to the DataRange implementation.
A type-safety wrapper interface around IValueHolder<Date>.
This filter actually performs no filtering.
This filter accepts anything.
Defines properties of an Exchange appointment and methods to work with an appointment.
Defines utility methods for MS Exchange appointments.
Defines properties of an Exchange contact and methods to work with a contact.
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange contacts.
Defines common properties and methods of an Exchange mailbox item.
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange mailbox items.
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange mailbox settings.
Defines properties of a MS Exchange message and methods to work with a message.
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange messages.
Defines properties of an Exchange note and methods to work with a note.
Defines utility methods for working with MS Exchange notes.
Defines properties of an Exchange task and methods for working with a task.
Utility interface for working with MS Exchange tasks.
Used for news filtering on collection and / or database level.
Provides information about a MS Exchange folder.
A marker interface for content body elements created by GroovyJSON.
This interface signs a as an Intrexx permission.
This event occurs if the supported languages have changed.
Marker interface for layout events.
This interface represents locale settings in up environments.
This event occurs if the supported locales have changed.
This class represents a collection of image metadata directories.
This class represents an image metadata directory.
This is a class for managing index content with scripting languages.
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
The IO operation not done before commit is called by the transaction manager
The IO operation not done before commit is called by the transaction manager Transaction object for creating a new file.
The IO operation not done before requestCommit is called.
A parser that extracts internet mail addresses from arbitrary text.
An accessor class for the Spring application context.
A marker interface for a non primitive value holder
IOHelper class utility.
A marker interface for processing contexts.
A processing context that contains a request.
Signals that there was a change in the schema.
This interface is used to designate a class as a server event.
Service control events such as server start or stop should implement this interface.
This interface is implemented by processing contexts that provide a portal server session.
The static methods of this class are thread-safe.
Use the static methods of ISODateTimeUtil.
Interface for transactions managed by the transaction manager.
A simple two-phase commit file system transaction.
This event notifies the WebDAV service to update its status.
A marker interface for server events for web resources.
This event is sent after a new workflow has been published and possibly engaged in the portal.
This event is sent after a workflow has been deleted from the portal.
This event is sent after a workflow staus has been changed from activated to deactivated, or vice versa.
This event is sent after a workflow has been published and possibly engaged in the portal.
This is the interface for workflow events.
Interface for events that normally origin from IWorkflowEventSources.
Same as DirectFileMoveTransaction but on a rollback the source file can be deleted depends on how the object was constructed.
Intrexx >= 9 uses a PBKDF2 based password storage mechanism.
The MD5 hash function is not considered to be secure.
Represents a message that is managed by a NewsAgent.
Standard namespace URIs
Handles messages that exist beyond application scope.
NIOHelper class utility.
Used to create cryptographically secure random bits that can be used as nonce values.
Filters messages that have not expired yet.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent from a data group timer.
Convention: Normally you set a value-holder to null if you can't find the requested attribute/field/... .
Provides methods to support OAuth2 authorization in Connector API apps.
Utility class for copying files between Intrexx datagroups via Intrexx OData Provider services.
This class is an in-memory representation of the Intrexx organizational structure.
This event is fired whenever changes in the organizational structure were made that cannot be specified more precisely.
Information about pages.
Class for converting PDFs to images and vice versa.
This event indicates, that the portal's proxy configuration has been changed.
Quoted-Printable encoding as described in RFC 2045 section 6.7.
Information about data field references.
Holds the information of a reference parameter (record of LCAPPREFPARAM)
This IBusinessLogicProcessingContext is used in cases where a real business logic processing context is not available, but an operation that requires a IBusinessLogicProcessingContext is likely to succeed with a restricted context.
Used to create cryptographically secure random strings that can be used as salt values.
A dispatcher for server events that must be defined in the Spring application context of the portal server.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after a session login.
A concrete class that implements an event that is sent after session logout.
The SHA-1 hash function is no longer considered to be secure.
Simple mail parser to simplify the parsing of the most common cases of multipart mails.
Filter by application GUID.
Use SingleAppGuidFilter instead.
Stopwatch with millisecond time resolution.
IOHelper class utility
This notification is sent when the user agent filter chain configuration has changed.
Generates a unique id number.
Generates a unique id number per Signature.
A convenience wrapper class for Groovy scripting.
United Planet XML namespace URIs.
This event should be fired if a user was added.
This event should be fired if a user was deactivated.
This event should be fired if a user was deleted.
Builds names from user related data.
User profile class.
A concrete class that implements a user defined workflow event.
Value holder comparator.
Namespaces of named variables.
This class provides a type safe Intrexx version.
Holds the necessary information for the FileValueHolder.
This class is used to wrap IServerEvents as IWorkflowEvents.
Replace <, >, &, ", and ' with their respective XML entities.
IOHelper class utility