Class AbstractExpendableTimerWorkflowAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
IActivatableWorkflowObject, INamedWorkflowObject, de.uplanet.lucy.server.workflow.INeedWorkflow, IWorkflowAction, IWorkflowObject, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ExpendableTimerDataGroupWorkflowAction, ExpendableTimerWorkflowAction

public abstract class AbstractExpendableTimerWorkflowAction extends AbstractTimerWorkflowAction
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractExpendableTimerWorkflowAction

      public AbstractExpendableTimerWorkflowAction(String p_strGuid)
  • Method Details

    • getContextVariableName

      public String getContextVariableName()
      Get the context variable name that will contain the date and time at which the timer will be triggered.
      The context variable name.
    • setContextVariableName

      public void setContextVariableName(String p_strVariableName)
      Set the context variable name that will contain the date and time at which the timer will be triggered.
      p_strVariableName - The context variable name.
    • isNoValueIsError

      public boolean isNoValueIsError()
    • setNoValueIsError

      public void setNoValueIsError(boolean p_bNoValueIsError)
    • isPastValueIsError

      public boolean isPastValueIsError()
    • setPastValueIsError

      public void setPastValueIsError(boolean p_bPastValueIsError)